Just got HORRIBLE SAT scores - chances please


<p>1910 is a very good score just not quite good enough for UCLA or UCSD."</p>

<p>Okay, is it just me or is there something very wrong with that statement?! Be honest, now. I've got almost identical stats to this person except a 1990 SAT (retaking in June), 3.75 uw GPA, 4.4 weighted, and 3.93 UC GPA. and I considered SD a pretty safe match.</p>

<p>aghghghg, somebody please answer</p>

<p>Well the average GPA for UCLA admits was 4.2 and the average SAT score was 2000+ so I'd consider it a slight reach with those stats. I'm not sure what the stats are for UCSD, but they've gotta be fairly similar.</p>

<p>I got a 1620 and got into UCI</p>

<p>1630 SAT got me into UCSD.</p>

<p>My essays must've been gold.</p>

<p>i got into ucsd with that score -__-</p>

<p>If you plan to study music/theatre at UCLA, you most likely will have to audition-in addition to meeting the requirements for undergrad acceptance. UCLA had over 50,000 applications this year-and they expect roughly the same for next year. So while your stats may "match", the reality is that there will be a lot of competition. Give it your best knowing this-you sound like a great asset for any UC-Good Luck!</p>

<p>i think u have a great chance anywhere
just show them who you are and revolve the application around you and highlight your strengths
i got into all the ucs besides berkeley, but i appealed
with a 3.94 W and 3.87UW gpa and a 1600 on the sats
but then again i had great ec, leadership and over 1000 hours of community service
just remember optimism can get you anywhere:]
good luck!</p>

<p>wow congrats Methius.. 1630 into ucsd :)
what are u majoring in??</p>

<p>Specifically for UCLA... remember that they're doing that "holistic approach" thing with admissions now, so your SAT score alone probably won't make or break you unless it's truly horrible... and 1910 is not horrible. I only had a 1950 and I got in, but I had lots of community service, extracirriculars, and awesome grades to compensate for my mediocre SAT.</p>

<p>Hello. Im a senior student trying to apply to college. Tomorrow is the deadline for most colleges. But idk where apply.
I came from Cuba at the end of 9th grade and i was placed in ESL ( English Second Language classes until 11 grade.
Right now I have 4.0 ( unweighted GPA) AND 5.0 ( Weighted gpa)
My SAT scores are not that high. just 1760
M 620
R 530
W 610
Im first generation going to college and my family has a low income
I was an actress in Cuba and i have 400 community hours.
I had also won a lot of awards.
I am a resident in Florida and i want to apply to private outstate universities.
I want to major in biology</p>