<p>wow... I just went online and saw my Math I grade. 690.</p>
<p>I thought it would be a joke and never studied for it since I'm in pre-cal right now. First, I thought it was out of 700, lol.</p>
<p>Well, 690 is a horrible grade. I HATE IT!</p>
<p>So here's the question.</p>
<p>When sending SAT II scores to the college, do you have to send all of the scores? or just the subjects you want them to see? For example, can I send only 3 subject tests if I took 5?</p>
<p>If I can't, would it be better to take Math I again, or do better on Math II?</p>
<p>I'm planing to take Chem, Bio, Math II, and Korean before college. I thought Math 1 would be just a joke that I would take for a experience... well, I got hell of an experience, lol.</p>
<p>Well, I got a 740 on it, and was rightly disappointed because I could remember and later figure out the 3 I omitted and 2 I probably guessed wrong. By content, yeah, Math I is easier, but honestly, wouldn’t you think that Math I and Math II scores would probably correspond, by curve or lack thereof, closely if the same person took both? In other words, scoring isn’t any more lenient for Math I.</p>
<p>Haven’t you already sent your scores to your designated colleges already? That is, unless you chose not to send it to any. Score Choice begins in March, so technically you are allowed to withhold the rest of your scores, but note that colleges like Stanford and UPenn require you to submit ALL scores. Take Math II next time around. And if you are a native Korean speaker, it wouldn’t do you much credit even to ace Korean. You already have 3 other subject tests to take - focus on those.</p>