Just smile and nod...smile and nod

<p>blueiguana - I love that t-shirt!!! As many know my daughter turned Yale down for Northwestern last year and that would have saved the whole family (including younger daughter) so much time and stupid conversations!</p>



<p>Don’t feel bad. My wife is an alum and, as I have just found out, she has been mispronouncing it for N years, where N is a large number.</p>



<p>Hunt, you should have told them you were going to college in Yale, VA (talk about a small VA town). Then they would be OK with it.</p>



<p>When a friend told some people in his southwestern VA town that he was going to Princeton to get a Ph.D. in math, they thought he was going 90 miles away to Princeton, WV. (Ironically, the Princeton University mathematician John Nash was born near Princeton, WV.)</p>

<p>hmmm, for those of you who care about pronunciation of Carnegie.</p>

<p>[inogolo</a> - Pronunciation of Carnegie : How to pronounce Carnegie](<a href=“http://inogolo.com/pronunciation/Carnegie]inogolo”>Pronunciation of Carnegie Carnegie : How to pronounce Carnegie Carnegie)</p>


If your sister-in-law is so boorish about *everything<a href=“not%20just%20your%20son’s%20school”>/I</a>, I’d be inclined to say, “Thanks for the warning!”</p>

<p>acquaintance: “Is your D excited about attending Cal Poly?”
me: “actually she chose Saint Mary’s”
acquaintance: “Why would she do that?”</p>

<p>One of the schools I think my S may be interested in is Cornell College in Mt. Vernon IA. This thread has reinforced that I may not want to bring that fact up. S is a B student and I can just imagine the conversation:</p>

<p>“He is looking at Cornell??” eye roll
“I had no idea he was such a strong student.”
me: No not Cornell University, Cornell College in Mt. Vernon IA
“I thought Mt Vernon was in VA”</p>

<p>If they ask “Why” and I start telling people about the one class at a time block schedule well
 yeah I better not bring it up.</p>

<p>Loads of people around here don’t get that there is no OOS tuition for privates.</p>

<p>Debruns I have twins too and I totally know what you were talking about re the pg comments and questions that’s for another thread though ;)</p>

<p>geek-mom, this SIL informed us they would not be attending S’s graduation party because they are hosting their own party that day! If my MIL and FIL weren’t so upset about it, and my husband wasn’t offended I’d be fine. S doesn’t care.
BTW I looked up Peace College, it’s a small a women’s college with an acceptance rate around 70%.</p>

<p>historymom- doesn’t that little skier school in Colorado have block scheduling, too? :)</p>

<p>Okay, I have been thinking about posting, but was not sure, the RBJL has got me. DD got into Vassar and several other schools
no one EVER made the lesbian comment, but I think I know why
DD plays rugby and was considering playing there. I guess they did not need to warn me as they ASSUMED she was part of the RBCL (we aren’t Jewish so did a little acronym substitution) mauraders and politely said nothing. :D</p>

<p>QM, thanks for the Carnegie pronounciation link. Interesting that Carnegie Hall in NYC is commonly pronounced differently than Carnegie Mellon University.</p>

<p>Maybe it’s because I live in New England while most of my relatives live in the Carolinas, but when our Guidance Counselor refers to “elan” instead of “Elon,” and “Clemzon”(Clemson) instead of the southern pronounciation “Clempson,” it grates on my nerves. </p>

<p>My cousin, whose brother went to Clemson, became engaged to a man whose last name was Sampson. My mom hadn’t seen the name in writing, and asked her whether her name would be Samson or Sampson. My cousin replied, laughing: “It’s Sampson. With a P. Like Clempson.”</p>

I went to h.s. with people who went to Peace
selective is not a word anybody in NC would ever use to describe it. Not that it’s bad or anything
just not “selective”.</p>

<p>historymom - practice your SMILE & NOD alot if you decide to look at the “Block Plan for skiers”- Colorado College. As I have posted before, be prepared to S&N when people are suprised since they “thought your son was a better student and assume he will live in Boulder and ski non-stop”</p>

<p>as for the one class at a time —
why would you ever want to do THAT?
I’d forget everything by the next session
Leave it to the crazy people in Co. Springs to come up with that.
I didn’t know he was ADHD.
Doesn’t he want to major in Something?
The teachers must not be very dedicated to only teach one class
and my favorite —How will he ever learn to multi-task?
this said about a full IB student with a part time job and heavy ECs.</p>

<p>smile & nod, smile and nod</p>

<p>I so love getting to vent on this thread to people who “get it”.</p>

<p>BTW - I am very happy to discuss pros/cons of the block plan, or the 1800 mile trek, to interested parties, but am practicing S&N to those who are only interested in knocking the whole idea.</p>

<p>ColoCollege- my DD was seriously interested in this school, we just knew that FAFSA is waaay better than profile for our family so did not pursue it heavily, but it looks like a wonderful place to go!</p>

<p>MIL called yesterday and said a cousin’s daughter was accepted at Duke and Stanford. She is apparently a VERY good student with many interesting activities. She is also bi-racial. MIL: Do you think it has to do with, you know, being black?<br>
Me: well that never hurts, but I hear she has super grades and all

<p>somemom^^^no need to smile and nod to that!
Just a big “thank you!”. He is very much looking forward to it, thinks the block plan is perfect for him, and is eager to see a whole other side of the country. Profile worked better for us based on the really nice package we received.
Where did your dd decide to go?</p>

<p>That DD is at Whitworth with merit.</p>

<p>An elderly, Glenn Beck listening relative was horrified to learn S was going to go to U Chicago. I think she was worried that Obama had spread socialist cooties all over the campus.</p>


Another case in point on “Thanks for the warning” 
 Who’d want to risk their kid growing up to be like her? :stuck_out_tongue: Glad your son has a good attitude about it; he may even be secretly relieved that she won’t be showing up and making more obnoxious comments he has to feel awkward about. Might be worth pointing out to the hubby and parent-in-laws that such a tacky person could be, in a way, doing you all a favor by not attending. ;)</p>

<p>Lafalum - We live in NC, but my husband is from Boston. He always says “elan” for Elon and my boys correct him every single time. He just can’t hear it.</p>

<p>QM has my vote, with Pea a close second.</p>

<p>Sheesh - I don’t even know why I am amzed by some reposnses, yet I still am