Just smile and nod...smile and nod



<p>I heard that as well. Why do some people not give UChicago the respect it deserves? I consider it to be on par with Stanford and the other elites.</p>

<p>The one I love is when I tell people that D is going to UT (University of Texas at Austin) and they say “isn’t that a big party school?” Then they say that they would never let thier precious child go to such a party school
 DUH?? What college isn’t a big party school these days?? Smile and Nod</p>

<p>I really am amazed that anyone other than relatives responds with remarks about the quality of the school or the ease of admission. The “where?”, “huh?” or *crickets chirping *responses are innocent reactions without any bad intention, but it’s amazingly rude to say anything bad about a school one’s child has just chosen.</p>

<p>So much smiling and nodding going on here 
 pretty soon we’ll be a roving band of bobble-headed parents (as in RBBP.) :D</p>


Is it the moms, or moreso the dads who seem to feel that U of Chicago doesn’t hold a candle to Stanford, Ga2012mom? What have you heard?</p>

<p>Me: we just toured at Geneseo. DS liked it there.
Colleague (whose D just got admitted to Eastman/U of R): He shouldn’t go there. I wouldn’t send my kid there. That’s not a good place.
Me: Well, it’s pretty competitive to get in.
Co: That doesn’t matter. I still wouldn’t send my kid there. He should be looking at Harvard.
Me: {thought bubble - yeah, he has the grades for that} He doesn’t see himself as the Harvard type.
Co: They don’t know what they want at this age.
Me: {mental note to self: don’t bring this subject up}</p>



<p>Honestly, for all the love U of Chicago gets here on CC, it’s pretty low profile even here in the Chicago metro area. But - what does it matter if the average Joe doesn’t give it love?</p>

<p>The president of Carnegie Mellon University pronounces it KAR-nuh-gee. Saw it on youtube. Who knows? Maybe he’s pronouncing it incorrectly. ;)</p>



<p>I agree that UChicago gets a lot of love here on CC, as it should. It’s just sad when people, or even more so a mom or dad or two don’t think it is worthy. It was high on my D’s list, but in hindsight, even though it is a fantastic place, wouldn’t have been a good fit for her.</p>



<p>U Chicago’s applications increased substantially this year :)</p>

<p>I remember some one posting that UChicago did some questionable marketing tactics to get such a high rise in applications.</p>

<p>Liberal response: Obviously the Chicago school of economics is behind this. They want to get as many students involved in the corporatist revolt against the greatness of Obama.</p>

<p>Conservative response: Obviously the elitist liberal faculty is behind this. They want to get as many students to support the Obama agenda.</p>

<p>“Block Plan for skiers”- Colorado College. As I have posted before, be prepared to S&N when people are suprised since they “thought your son was a better student and assume he will live in Boulder and ski non-stop”</p>

<p>as for the one class at a time —
why would you ever want to do THAT?
I’d forget everything by the next session
Leave it to the crazy people in Co. Springs to come up with that.
I didn’t know he was ADHD.
Doesn’t he want to major in Something?</p>

that’s going on son’s list


Exactly. “Worthy” and “good fit” are two separate dimensions.</p>

<p>I have immense respect for U/Chicago, Swarthmore, Reed, and Harvey Mudd
none of which would have been good fits for my D. I have a lot of respect for Wellesley (and even Barnard!) but neither would have been as good a fit as Smith for my D; in retrospect, she came up with a devastatingly subtle reason Wellesley would have been a bad fit: it would have reinforced aspects of her personality that should not have been reinforced. For another student, no problemo.</p>

<p>I suspect there is an alternate universe where she went to Georgetown and possibly another where she went to Bryn Mawr. In this world, she applied to neither though she visited G’town.</p>

<p>Skier, I pm’d you.</p>

<p>This thread is SO funny!! It is astounding how oblivious people are! Love the Bryn Mawr lesbian remark - priceless
and having to explain Williams - “oh, only one of the top ranked LACs in the country” - and it goes on and on

<p>Has anyone else gotten this response when told where S/D is attending college next year:</p>

<p>“Oh? Is that a good school?”</p>

<p>I mean, what do they expect me to say??</p>

<p>I get a lot of “Where is that?” When I tell people I’m going to Connecticut College.</p>

<p>Well, you get 3 guesses, and the first two don’t count. </p>

<p>(They almost never mean what city/town) </p>

<p>I also get a lot of comments about how I’m going to Uconn.</p>

<p>No. UConn is a public state school. Connecticut is a small private elite LAC. </p>

<p>I had to be VERY specific to my registrar about this difference when applying.</p>

<p>I was hanging out with my friends the day before I interviewed for MIT. When I told them that I was going to head home so I could get ready for the interview tomorrow, one of them looked at me and said

<p>Michigan Institute of Technology?</p>

<p>Oh no, apparently I (and everyone else I know) have been pronounce Carnegie Mellon incorrectly
I never would have know! Interesting, I’m curious
does everyone on campus really pronounce it that way? I’ll find out soon, I guess!</p>

<p>I’ve gotten some funny responses about WashU

<p>“Are you going to try to transfer to Northwestern?”. uhhh nope, I got into NU, just wasn’t interested haha. The most irritating comments are the ones that are trying to show
sympathy or something? </p>

<p>“Why did you choose that over Northwestern???”. NU is really glorified here - I think that was part of the reason why I DIDNT choose NU, it was too typical haha</p>

<p>“St Louis is such an awful, dangerous place and its a horrible city, etc
” immediately after I say the school name, not even bothering to comment on the school itself. err