Just smile and nod...smile and nod



<p>Yes, except that then they would get it confused with James Madison U. as well as Univ. of Wisconsin in Madison.</p>

<p>You can’t win.</p>

<p>What’s wrong with Emory at Oxford? I actually think it’s a better choice to start your place at Emory even though I won’t be going there next year. And Oxford IS part of Emory so people who do get into Oxford and decide to go there can say “yo, I’m going to Emory” since they’re willing to do all the hardwork (rumor has it that it’s harder at Ox) as the ones at main campus.</p>

What are you referring to? No one commented one way or the other about Emory at Oxford-- just corrected the name. Take a deep breath :slight_smile:
And no, from what I understand, Oxford is not harder than Emory-- not sure where that rumor came from.</p>

<p>Oops, sorry for mixing up the name! And Beretta, I didn’t mean to imply that one was harder/better than the other, simply that from what I have seen, not as many people know about Oxford, which I personally think sounds like a great place for many people!</p>

<p>There was a recent heated discussion on this Emory vs Oxford thing at Emory University forum. Many participants did not seem to like discussing about it. That’s basically where I came from when I wrote my post above.</p>

<p>jym626 That’s why I said it’s a “rumor.” </p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer I wasn’t saying you implied anything related to that. It was my fault.</p>

<p>Rumors start here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/emory-university/30278-emory-v-oxford.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/emory-university/30278-emory-v-oxford.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>I attended a public high school in a Pittsburgh suburb where most of the students went on to attend small, local state colleges. I was told by my guidance counselor that I would not be admitted to the colleges I had chosen (Mount Holyoke and Sarah Lawrence) - which she denied when I was accepted at both. I decided to go to Mount Holyoke, and had a wonderful experience. Most of my high school classmates had never heard of either school, but I figured once I got into the “real world,” I wouldn’t have to explain where and what my college was - hahaha! On one of my first job interviews, my prospective boss glanced at my resume and said, “Oh, Mount Holyoke - that’s a Catholic girl’s school, right?”</p>

<p>My daughter went across country her 1st semester and was not at all happy with the program, so returned home and did her GE requirements at our CC. We get a lot of “oh, it’s too bad she was not invited to return” (she had a 4.0 and would actually have been able to return to the 1st program for up to a year). Also comments about her not being able to handle the workload, or being so far from home. We just smile and don’t bother to explain anymore. Now she will be tranferring to a school across country again and we know this is the best program for her this time. </p>

<p>Abudhabi-mama: My D returned and did her GE at Moorpark- not in the Exotic Animal Training program, but we are very familiar with it and have seen many of their open house programs. What an amazing program. She will be very lucky to be able to attend it. However, I am sure you will get many negative comments about her attending a CC program from people who don’t realize it is the only program of it’s kiind in the US, and extremely well regarded. Just smile! Congratulations!</p>

<p>Skier29, we’re in the same boat with D headed to CC. . . have lost track of the number of the number of people who have chimed in about what a great party school “Boulder” is . .</p>

<p>marica- hey, maybe it is a thing with Stanford being popular with Mexicans? My BF from HS got into Stanford and was Mexican, but then as far as I know, no one else from our school even knew enough to apply there! ;)</p>

<p>I told my friends mom I was going to Stanford. Later, my friend told me she asked if I was gay because San Francisco is full of gay people… >_<.</p>

<p>^ so funny. We’re from San Francisco and when my S was considering college in Texas everyone acted as if he wanted to go to Mars. They just can’t conceive of anyone volunteering to go to Texas. I guess the ignorance goes both ways.</p>

<p>I need to post a “thank you” to this thread for helping me to avoid CAUSING a smile and nod moment for a senior.
I remembered at the last moment to ask a senior and his mom - “So what will you be doing after HS?” as opposed to the more frequent “Where are you going to college?”.
This young man will be joining the Navy and I was able to be very pleased for him, thank him for his patriotism and service, and received a grateful “everyone keeps asking where I’m going”</p>

<p>“I’m going to UF.”
“Oh, they’re a good school, but I think they have bad academics and focus on sports too much. Why didn’t you try for somewhere better?”</p>

<p>Son number 1 while in high school.
Kid number 1: What schools are you applying to?
Son: Purdue (didn’t get to name any others)
Kid number 1: Wow, the chicken people’s college!
Kid Number 2: What are you going to take there?</p>

Your son should have replied: “plucking”.</p>

<p>^^ skier, thanks for that reminder. If I am not sure the kid is going to college, I always ask something general, like what are your plans after graduation, or do you know what you are doing next year. </p>

<p>I have some family friends who’s college bound D had a car accident with traumatic head injuries last year. Last I heard she was still very far from the end of her road to recovery. I have been tip toeing around this one, I am interested in what she might be doing and I wish her the best but I haven’t received an answer to this question in email exchanges, I think will let it lie until I find out through other means. I am happy to hear she is graduating, but that I wasn’t even sure about.</p>



<p>I think they’ll tell you when you need to know – I can’t imagine pushing “so, is she going to college?” to a family dealing with such stress.</p>

<p>Crimsonbear, do you live in FL? Because everyone I know regards UF as the holy grail of all universities. I get asked on a weekly basis why I’m not going there. </p>

<p>(The academics are good, by the way. It’s the class sizes that aren’t great, but if you can place out of the freshman intro classes you’ll be fine. I know tons of smart people that go there and they find it challenging and enjoyable.)</p>

<p>PG, I did not ask repeatedly, just once, definitely not pushing.</p>


Or “sexing.”</p>