Just to prove how cool Princeton really is...

<p>In the new Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne attends Princeton - OH MAN WE HAVE BATMAN! =P</p>

<p>and he also wears very tight pants and pointed ears :P</p>

<p>Speaking of Princeton Cool-isms and stuff like that (and cause i don't want to star a new thread over this), i just got my first visa card. It has a big nice tiger on it and the name of the bank is written on the background: orange on black.</p>

<p>coincidences ruuuuule :D</p>

<p>Coincidence or did you purposely CHOOSE that design? ;)</p>

<p>My credit card is tres boring, but carrying my PU store membership next to it makes up for it :p</p>

<p>No, it was coincidence... if you believe in coincidences. But it was not on purpose.</p>