<p>well u pointed out that it sounded like a graduation speech
i guess you don’t know what i’m talking about because you’re not a senior</p>
<p>hahah yeah, i never thought of it that way… but sure.
i guess it’s emotional enough ;]</p>
<p>why even bother asking? you will simply be told you werent good enough to the eyes of UCLA admissions officers even though you thought you were, simple as that.</p>
<p>If it’s any consolation, grad school will outweigh where you went for undergrad. <em>shrug</em></p>
<p>@jinobi Well… that you went to grad school at all means a lot. It especially does if it is attached to a great name. Although it is always a good thing to drop a name like UCLA, Berkeley, Stanford, (I’ll leave SC out of this) but at the same time, going to Cal State LA and then going to UCLA fro grad school is just as good, if not better because of what you CAN do at a smaller campus. </p>
<p>I don’t know, an AA from a CC then transfer to UC can do a lot to show that you have dedication. In the end, it’s not the name, but what you do that determines what you get out of it. Bosses like the name dropping, but in the end it is “Can you do the job?” and “How much you know?” that really matters.</p>
<p>Just remember, in the end everything works out if you want it to. My husband works with people who graduated from Ucla, Cal, Harvard and he graduated from Cal State Northridge…and he’s their boss! So, work hard no matter where you go and keep dreaming your dreams!</p>
<p>yeah well my UC GPA is around 4.19 i think… and I have a 2200 SAT. TONS of leadership and TONS of ECs.</p>
<p>However, I didn’t spend much time on my essays… so i expected it. while they were above avg, I dont think they were among the best.</p>
<p>Plus I’m international…</p>
<p>Lol international killed you</p>
<p>well instead of calling ucla today, i called ucsd and they gave me what i was slacking from their more qualified students. they go by a point system, need 7700 and they gave me my points and how much i was missing. so i’ll try ucla tomorrow</p>