KA and LCA not at Rush meeting?

<p>I spoke to my son this evening and he said Kappa Alpha and Lambda Chi Alpha were not represented at Men’s rush tonight. Is that their polite way of saying “we aren’t giving out bids”? I was disappointed to hear this, because I am a legacy (I know that isn’t a guarantee) and those two houses were among my son’s top interests.</p>


<p>While I am not sure of the exact reason for those two fraternities not being in attendance, my guess would be that the leadership of those fraternities decided that they would give out bids at a different time.</p>

<p>rolltide90…I sent you a pm…I think I can help :).</p>

<p>Got your PM, I responded and thank you so very much!</p>

<p>KA is an old row fraternity and all the old row frats are full. Have been for a month or so. LCA probably has some bids to give out. I don’t know why LCA was not there other than possibly they didn’t think it important or just plain forgot. I would focus on the new row frats.</p>

<p>do many of the male students decide to join a fraternity second year? I have no idea what my son is thinking, but was wondering if it was even an option.</p>

<p>Yes, it is an option to pledge sophmore year. The majority pledge during freshman year but it is not uncommon for kids to wait until sophmore year to pledge.</p>