Keeping above GPA 3.0 in Architecture major; how hard is it?

Quick question only for Architecture major.
My D got good merit-scholarship from Archi school. Condition is to keep above 3.0 GPA.

Is it doable? She submitted excellent portfolio. Except for artistic talent, what about other classes?
Concerning math and physics, I think she is a pretty normal student.

Accepted to the Archi school too. Wondering the same thing.

Asked exact same question to asst dean of arch school (who was lovely) when we visited about a month ago, as my S received Arch merit contingent upon the 3.0 as well. Her answer “he will get a 3.0”… My S also shadowed some 2nd year Arch students who said the work is completely doable. Don’t know what your child is taking now but mine is in AP Calc and AP physics and although I doubt he will get a 5 on the AP exam (which is needed for credit transferable) having the foundation should help! Hope this info helped a tad.