Kids at UM

<p>I mean, any private university is going to have very wealthy kids. But I wasn’t aware that wealthy people were to be avoided. Is it really a big deal if they drive a lambourgini? </p>

<p>It’s sort of ridiculous to assume that rich kids will literally not be your friend if you don’t drive flashy cars and wear designer clothes. And I’m sorry if I’m off track, its just that I’m tired of this stereotype that everyone talks about at UM. I grew up in a middle class family while going to a fancy private school (and I’ll soon be attending UM) and I have been surrounded by very wealthy people, and it has never once been a problem for me to fit in.</p>

<p>I agree. I’m a very down to earth person but come from an upper-middle class background and I went to Miami and found my niche. However, I chose to relocate to another university for many reasons. Though, I can relate with November1991. I had friends who were of royalty at Miami and they were down to earth even though they drove a nice car and dressed nice. Don’t judge someone until you get to know them at Miami. Girls that are classified as JAPs might appear to be shallow and rough edged, but after having a conversation with one, you realize that there is inner beauty and intelligence that rests within them. However, this is not the case for all the Barbie dolls at Miami.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I’m a freshman at UMiami, and although I can agree with many of the comments made here, I definitely have to disagree with one. I understand that it is a private university, but what you have to understand is that it does NOT mean the kids are loaded. Most students are on scholarship/grants/loans. I unfortunately got in off the waitlist thus am paying the full tuition, but I don’t know ANYONE else who is.</p>

<p>In my time at Miami I have not come across any extremely wealthy kids yet. What you have to understand is that alot of people are all talk. They talk like they’ve done this and that, seen this place and that place, however, few have even been out of the country. It’s easy to spot the big-talkers, and to quickly laugh it off. You can only be intimidated/annoyed by these people if you want to, they are in no way condescending/scary, if you know who you are, it’s easy to get comfortable fast.</p>

<p>Miami may be economically diverse, however, culturally, it is not at all. I speak as a student coming from an extremely international school, where every students speaks at least 2 languages, and everyone is related to some royal family. </p>

<p>I have enjoyed my semester so far at Miami, however, that is the one disappointment for me, the lack of cultural diversity. This should not lower your interest in the school, however! The campus is beautiful, placement is perfect, and I do love it.</p>

<p>Is there are party scene outside of the frat houses and clubbing?
I like to party but in more of a chill kind of way…if that makes sense…
I don’t consider myself very superficial at all so I know that getting dressed up and going clubbing or to frats isn’t really for me.
Basically, I want to know if people throw house/dorm/apartment parties that are more laid back and aren’t involved with the greek system?</p>

<p>(I’m applying to Frost and have heard that the kids in the music school kind of form their own social scene- is this true?)</p>

<p>You definitely hear about people from different groups throwing their own parties (non-greek affiliated). This is particularly true with the more art-oriented groups: music, theater, etc.</p>

<p>Definitely true about music kids forming their own group, but if you want to get out of it, you can do that too. One of my good friends is a music major and she’s friends with a lot of other music kids and goes to their parties, but is also in a Panhel sorority and has many friends outside of the music school.</p>

<p>The student body is very diverse. I did the UM Summer Scholar Program and met a lot of current students. I met some really nice ones, but there were also some that were a bit snobby. I even ran into a girl that graduated from my HS… she was working security in Pearson, the dorm I was staying in. One of my professors said there is a large LGBT community and just by walking through the campus you will find so many different nationalities. Thats definitely one of the things I love about the school =]</p>