kind of worried...any ideas?

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>Basically my stats are as follows:</p>

<p>Overall GPA:3.66
Instate & Legacy</p>

<p>Very Tough courseload all Ap's or Honors electives, i substituted for science classes. (Pre-Med intended)</p>

Student council -4 years
Snr Yr: Executive Board President
Jnr/soph Yrs: Class Delegate
Frsh Yr: Class Treasurer
Yearbook -2 years
Snr Yr: Editor In Chief
Jnr Yr: Staff writer, photographer
SADD -3 years
Snr Yr: Executive Board Secretary
Soph/Jnr Years: Active Member
Spanish Club -2 years
Snr Yr: Executive Board Secretary
Jnr Yr: Active Member
Key Club - 4 years
Very Active Member
Interact -4 years
Very Active Member
National Honor Society- 1 year
Very Active Member
Link Crew -1 year
Link Crew Leader
Peer Mediation -1 year
Peer Mediator.</p>

<p>School Recognition:</p>

<p>*"student" of the Month: One student from the entire sutdent body is elected as "Student" of the month. Basically is a studnet who exhibits academic exellence as well as very high involvement in either ec's or athletics.</p>

<p>*Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Representative
Once again only one sophomore is chosen from the class to represnet the school at a weekend long leadership conference.</p>

<p>*Children Of Abram Representative
One of four students chosen to represnet our school at an inter-faith meeting with high school students around the state.</p>

<p>*Georgetown Summer Program
I got accepted into the Summer Discovery program at Georgetown over the summer before my senior year.</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>400+ hours of community service with various institutions.</p>

<p>Once again thanks for all of your help and sorry if youve seen this already!</p>

<p>I think you will get in. ECs are solid though not amazing, as is GPA. But you are in-state, involved in your school and community, and a legacy. I got in with a 3.96 and 29 OOS, but I know it was bc of my essays. so put in a lot of time on them, and good luck!</p>

<p>i'm pretty sure you'll get in. my GPA/scores were only a little higher than yours but i had no where near as many ECs and i got in. good luck!</p>

<p>with all your ecs, just write good essays and i'll say your fine...maybe emphasize ecs in your essays</p>

<p>vc08 deedeeeedeeeede, my stats are just like yours except with a 4.0 umich gpa and a 28 act oos.</p>

<p>and i hope i get in.</p>

<p>you def have a good shot. i thought my ACT was very borderline compared with the other OOS people who have been accepted (most are in the 30s), but I had a few unique ECs and strong leadership positions, plus very good essays (have someone read them over for you, i had my older bro who is an english major at berkeley do that, and it really helped make them more concise and advanced). good luck!</p>