Kotzen Decisions

Has anyone received their Kotzen scholarship decision? The website says it would be released by March 1st.

My daughter found out very late in the day yesterday that she is a Kotzen Scholar. It was a long day waiting to hear! Hope you got good news as well.

@Trubloo Congratulations to your D, that is fantastic!

Unfortunately, I was told yesterday that I was waitlisted for the scholarship. The scholarship was the only way I would have been able to attend Simmons. I’m still holding out for an opening, because I absolutely love the school, but at this time I simply can’t afford it.

@trubloo Congrats on the Kotzen… That’s amazing! Would you mind telling us about your daughter / her stats / the interview process?

Thank you! We’re very excited! As for her stats she is an A+ student in IB diploma program, 1380 SAT, not an athlete but very active in many different things at the multiple schools she has attend. Interview was an hour long with a three person panel and they asked questions regarding diversity, goals, experiences, and challenges faced and overcome. Very well organized on the part of the university. We were impressed and it is definitely the best place for my daughter.

Sorry to hear that @lunarmad but hopefully you will get it in the end. Good luck!!

received mine today

@trackscience19 Were you awarded the Kotzen? If so, congrats! Will you please share your stats etc?