Kronshage & Witte

<p>Hi! I am an international student and confusing about the housing option between Kronshage and Witte. I want to make friends with many foreign students and get some parties, but definitely study is the most important for me. Could you please give some advice which option is better for me? Thanks.</p>

<p>If you want to meet other international students your best option is the International Learning Community in Adams.</p>

<p>Those are two very different dorms, lol. Neither one will have a particularly high number of foreign students as they’re just normal dorms. If you want foreign students try Adams or Chadbourne, there are many foreign Asian students there.</p>

<p>All the dorms have a study-friendly atmosphere. If you want a really ACADEMICALLY focused atmosphere I would look at Chadbourne, but of the two you listed I think Kronshage has more of a study atmosphere. Not too many parties though. Witte has parties and is nice, it’s considered a “party” dorm but people still study a lot.</p>

<p>Witte has parties and is nice, it’s considered a “party” dorm but people still study a lot.</p>

<p>They call it “sh**tty Witte” for a reason. Do Kronshage and party at Witte on the weekends if that’s your gig.</p>

<p>^Well it’s not NICE, but it’s not awful. It’s a nice dorm to be in, is what I meant.</p>

<p>Also if you live in Kronshage you won’t be partying, lol.</p>