L&S Physics?

<p>How difficult is L&S physics? Are lower division harder than upper division (i.e. are they weeder classes?) Any recommendations about this major?</p>

<p>I don’t know officially, but I would be VERY surprised if lower division physics were harder than upper division physics. I think it’s just the opposite in physics, just as it is in mathematics. For anyone rather strong in math and science, getting an A in lower division physics with a reasonable professor should be very doable.</p>

<p>Really, how is the 7 series in physics compared to upper div work?
About hoe much work is there for each class?</p>

<p>I’m anticipating that the 7 series will have some resemblance to a weeder class, but I think that the sheer difficulty of the work (especially in upper division) will outweigh any feeling that they are adding difficulty just for the sake of weeding people out.</p>

<p>Upp div physics classes are for those who are really into physics. Of course the material is difficult (quantum mechanics, particle physics anyone?) compared to lower division physics. I mean, many of those who are majoring physics took the H series and had no trouble getting an A in those classes, so I don’t think those people are going to say upp div physics classes are hard, just challenging.</p>