Lab courses?


I was looking into having some insight if the following courses for Chemical Engineering have lab components to them:
-BSC 114 “Principles of Biology I” 3 credit hours
-CH 231 “Elem Organic Chemistry I” 3 credit hours
-CH 232 “Elem Organic Chemistry II” 3 credit hours

Is it easy to tell when a course has a lab component attached when its course is 4 credit hours versus 3? This does not affect my course of study but rather insight for scheduling and workload.

No, it is not that simple.
Go to your myBama page.
In the upper center of the home page is a link called “Look up classes.”

A 4 credit hour science class almost always has a lab attached, some the lab is technically a separate class.

Thanks @2015pop and @Mandalorian after looking into the chemE curriculum through MyDegreeWorks I found out that BSC 114 does not have a lab except if you replace it with honors general biology, which includes a lab. They give the option to the student. Then I found out CH 231 does not have a lab component tied to the class but CH 232 has a 2 credit hour lab component to be taken co-currently. This was interesting research indeed!

If one is to come in with credit for AP Environmental which is 4 hours of “N” do those 4 hours count as only credit hours in science and not lab?

According to the website it counts for GEO 105 which does not have a lab. Therefore, no lab credit.

AP ES with a score of 3 or more with give you credit for GEO 105 (4 hours). That includes class and lab in the 4 hours of credit.

Is there a way to just get 1 more lab credit and 1 more N credit or will I have to go over the require 6 hours of N with 2 of those being lab?

I thought you needed 8 hours of science - two 4 hour science classes. If you go to MyBama and the class Lookup, you’ll be able to search for all classes that have the “N” attribute.