LAC with Merit - update

In post #5 I shared some resources that could be useful in answering the questions about a college potentially closing. Tonight, thanks to @LionsTigersAndBears thread, I learned about another one that could be very useful to families.

Among other really interesting data points, this site will let you look at a school’s enrollment numbers over time as well as its assets and a year-by-year look of its revenue-expenses (avoid the red!).

For instance, these are the financial charts for Iowa Wesleyan, which recently announced that it was going to close:

This is the enrollment picture for Clarkson, one of the schools discussed upthread:

And here Clarkson’s financial info:

Here, although there’s been a decrease in enrollment, the university still looks financially stable (to my eyes, at least). That can definitely give peace of mind to families as they make their college decisions, particularly if the institution isn’t a Big Name.