<p>Does anybody go to a school that does not offer more than 3-4 AP classes. If so, do you feel like you will be at a disadvantage during the college admissions process? My school offers 3, and I seriously feel that my strength of schedule will not hold up (yes I know they say they only look at the hardest courses your school offers, but who can actually confirm this) I mean, can you deny that a person who gets As in all honors classes and 2-3 AP classes will not look as good as one who gets all As in all AP/IB classes, regardless of course offerings? It just makes me sort of angry, most people at my school don't even care about college...so most of our classes are geared toward them.</p>
<p>Hey JY...</p>
<p>I think they will take that into consideration, but what you could do is take classes at a local college if you wanted to.</p>
<p>Also, you may seem to be at a disadvantage, but I think adcoms will understand the structure of the school</p>
<p>Also, the average APs completed by senior year for an incoming frosh at MIT was 5 APs.</p>
<p>Well, my high school offers these APs:</p>
<p>US History, Gov't, Chemistry, Biology, English, Spanish, French, and Calculus.</p>
<p>Realistically, a student could take 6 at most. (taking US History, and <em>maybe</em> Calculus their Junior year)</p>
<p>Several Seniors that took 5 or less throughout high school were accepted into: MIT, Washington University in St. Louis, Yale, and Cal Tech. </p>
<p>So, if you take the strongest courseload available and do well, you <em>should</em> be fine, but I obviously know very little about your situation.</p>
<p>Well, they give three APs at our schools.</p>
<p>AP US History is pretty much the only one where you request an in, and then you're in. Still makes you work for the AP Credit.</p>
<p>AP Calc basically means you either have to come in with prior Algebra experience to the extent that you can test into Geometry or you have to get permission to double up Sophomore or Junior Year.</p>
<p>AP British Lit is a joke, but you have to essentially have at least a B+ for every English class in Frosh/Soph/Junior Year to get in there (this year).</p>
<p>Yeah, not many options here. A couple classes offer AP Tests without the HS Credit.</p>
<p>As for your question, students from my school (in 2005) got into Colby, Cornell, George Washington, Williams, UPenn, Notre Dame and Tufts. Not quite a load of Ivies, but one in there and several compeitive schools in a class of about 120. The previous years, there were 3 Ivy League students including a Harvard.</p>
<p>the seniors last year went to: stanford, notre dame, gwu, bryn mawr, washington in st. louis, and i don't know what else. but my high school doesn't offer too many APs-- maybe half the APs that exists. it's very rare for a sophomore to take APs.</p>
<p>I wish my school offer Ap gov't. i had to take political science at a local college during the summer. it was pretty cool.</p>
<p>My school only offers AP for both Enbglish exams, and for Calc AB. I feel the same way you do. I would REALLY liked to have taken AP MicroEconomics and AP GOVT</p>
<p>one of the girls down the hall from me came from a school that had 2 APs.</p>
<p>I'm at Brown in case it wasn't obvious.</p>