<p>I am assuming that LACS have more grade inflation than public universities or privates and ivies, due to less #students. Is this really perceived as true?
Would you say it might be a good idea to transfer into LACS if you are so obssessed with GPA?
(Assume that grading scale, course/curriculum rigor and selection for one's major are the same between LACS and universities compared)</p>
<p>I don't think that's true. If you want a good GPA, go to a party school where you have to do little work.</p>
<p>Actually Ivies have a lot of Grade inflationn, as does Stanford. LAC's often don't. Swarthmore has grade deflation like crazy.</p>
<p>In certain respects, I think it may be harder to get good grades in LACs. This is primarily due to the small class sizes. Participation is always part of the grade so there's no skipping class, and failure to say something "constructive and thought provoking" may impact your grade. Secondly, I found that many professors get really invested in your work (which can be good and bad). Although you may have written an A quality paper (compared to the other students in the class), if a professor feels that your prior A papers were of a higher quality, he/she will give you a lower grade. I may be wrong but at public universities (where classes are often much larger), a professor will probably not remember the quality of prior work for all students..thus expectation plays a smaller role. I hope this makes sense....</p>