Lafayette College cutting activities section down to 6, instead of 10

This is interesting. Will other colleges follow suit? Is this the start of a new trend? Another way to increase apps? Thoughts?

Lafayette to reduce Common App activities submissions · News · Lafayette College.


Maybe they just want to focus more on quality (ex. depth of involvement) rather than quantity of ECs. Can’t imagine it will make a meaningful difference for many applicants.

Yes, in the article that’s exactly stated.

It might make a difference to students who are involved in a lot of things, but they could add those in the additional information section.

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Lafayette can’t change the common app to only have six slots for activites, they will merely be suppressing items #7-10.

I think a lot of students won’t even know Lafayette is not reading past the first six Activities though, so they might miss the opportunity to share anything about #7-10.

I understand why Lafayette is doing this but not sure it will get them more apps from the types of students they want to with this change, assuming that’s the reason.

So they’ll still consider their research with the MIT Physicist, the non profit they started, the business they’re taking public, and being captain of some team.

They won’t consider being a member of the NHS and math honor society.

Won’t change much.

Maybe by saying this - kids will read about it and those not considering Lafayette will look into it.

I’m helping a young man on cc and he mentioned bucknell but given his personality and desires I said Lafayette seems a better fit and he said I’d never heard of it.

If he reads the thread or an article about this - well maybe it brings more apps just from the attention it garners.


Agree…can’t imagine this subtle adjustment will lead to any meaningful change in the number of applications.


Right. There is no mention of the new policy when adding Lafayette to the Common App. I’d think they would alert students somewhere when applying via Common App.