Lake Forest 2017

<p>Is anyone here applying? Any parents/students with info about the school? My son got an email yesterday letting him know he was accepted. We're waiting on all the FA packages to come back before he makes any decisions.</p>

<p>Our daughter also received an acceptance. Although it is a safety for her, she plans to visit in the spring. She has been talking with the swim coach. My father went there and was a loyal alumni. It has an excellent reputation.</p>

<p>I just got in with $20,000 merit aid!!:slight_smile: LFC is a safety school though. I have a 3.1 and a 30 ACT with strong performances in cross country/track, strong essays and extracurriculars</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted. She will be visiting within the next few weeks. I have a friend who went there and she says it is a wonderful school!</p>

<p>My daughter will be going to a scholarship event at LFC in the next few weeks. She is very excited.</p>

<p>My DD is a freshman at LFC. In addition to financial aid, she received merit scholarships. It is an excellent match for what she was seeking and I really can’t think of a better place for her. As a native born Californian, she is having a tough time adjusting to the climate/weather but that is to be expected. In addition, the food doesn’t measure up to her dad’s fabulous cooking – but again, that is to be expected. Of course I am sad that she is so far away and that she had airline problems both ways over winter break.</p>

<p>On the general move-in day, I thought it was sweet that both her admissions person and the gentleman who interviewed her in California dropped by her dorm room. Of course, she was off to do some activity, so they only saw me and her dad!</p>