Lakeshore dorm...worried?

<p>Room assignment came out recently, and while i do not have a for sure dorm yet, my "prediction" was Bradley which was somewhere in the middle of my list, after southeast dorms. I am going into a hard major, and i definitely put studying before partying at all times, but i consider myself very social. I plan to go out on most weekends and to the football games, however I do like laid back nights occasionally too. Will there still be people in Bradley/Lakeshore to go out with on the weekends or should I be planning to request a dorm change once classes start?</p>

<p>First of all, Bradley is a Residential Community so usually the people who put it a first choice get it first. Not sure you will get it anyway. My son was in that dorm in his freshmen year, and he found it plenty social as well as having time to study. He went out to parties and attended the football games. He did not find it socially dead and his current two roommates in an apartment off campus are two guys he met who also were residents of Bradley. The one negative is that it is far from things, but he walked or took the bus and it was fine. The bus stop is about a half a block from Bradley. And it is next door to the Dejope dorm where the dining hall is and next door to the SERF and it is pretty being near the lake especially when school first starts and the weather is warm…</p>

<p>I think you mean the Natatorium, not the SERF.</p>

<p>Don’t worry or jump the gun about trying to move. There are likely to be people who want to socialize in every dorm. You could end up with a roommate you don’t choose to socialize with but that doesn’t matter- all you have to do is peacefully coexist and go your own ways. </p>

<p>PS- a “hard” major is only hard if you are unprepared or have little aptitude or liking for the subject. Many STEM majors would find writing intensive majors as difficult as humanities majors may find STEM majors. Once you get settled in you will find your rhythm for doing homework and studying. Expect to do more than you did in HS but as long as you put in the time instead of putting things off you’re likely to do just fine. You are likely to also find many more students with your interests and similar abilities than in HS. More fun as well as more challenging. I was a long ago Chemistry major- woman.</p>

<p>alright, that’s relieving. Thank you for the advice, I’m sure I’ll find plenty of people who will study with me all week and go out with me on the weekends.</p>

<p>Remember you are in college for the academics, not the dorm life. You will most likely find study friends in your classes, no matter which dorm you live in. Since Res Halls lets anyone eat in any dining facility, whether dorm residents or not, it is easy to be with classmates on the opposite end of campus at mealtime and decide to all eat together- no need to return to your dorm area for dorm food or to exclude someone who doesn’t live in Res Halls. The whole campus is yours.</p>

<p>There will certainly be plenty of people in Lakeshore who are interested in going to games and partying. While Lakeshore is considered quieter it’s not without it’s fair share of social life. I’ve lived there for 3 years, and I know that there’s always something going on or something social to do. Especially with Bradley, where there are tons of events for people looking to meet others. </p>