laptop internet connections

<p>Can someone clue me in?
How do you guys connect to the internet with a laptop? Wha'ts Wi- Fi? bluetooth? how much does it cost per month? DO these have wireless internet connections and how does it all work?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>which one would you guys recommend? I wanta fast one with the best internet connection and word processing software....</p>

<p>oh, andn what are ethernet, LAn, and wireless Lan? Do they work in hotel rooms?
(hafta travel)</p>


<p>um, those links don't work.
if you're looking for a good computer with relatively good support, i'd go with either an apple or a dell, especially if you're new to this sorta stuff. Internet connections is more dependant on the network you are on than the computer itself, as long as it has a relatively new ethernet card.<br>
LAN stands for Local Area Network. Basically this is where a bunch of computers are connected to a hub so they can talk to each other.<br>
ethernet is the physical workings of how computers talk to each other
wireless LAN means that computers connect to the hub via radio signals (no cords).<br>
depends on the hotel whether you can connect or not, if they say they have internet access, it usually means you can plug your laptop in.
hope this helps!</p>