Hi everyone,
I’ll be attending UF in the fall. Thinking of going into Biomedical Engineering; for now my major is exploratory. Anyway, I urgently need to get a new laptop, but I want one that really would handle all the programs and apps I’m likely to be running like AutoCAD, MATLAB, etc.
So I have a little list:
Intel i7 Processor
1 Terabyte of hard disk drive space
at least 8 GB of RAM
Good graphics card
What laptops do you suggest? You can mention the laptop you or your friends in engineering have (if you’re a student), that the school/ professors have recommended, etc. For parents, what computer did your child end up getting? Don’t pay too much attention to the list. I really just would like your opinions.
Please respond as soon as possible 
Thanks so much!
Personally, I’m using a Gigabyte P35 that I got on sale (it was far cheaper than a Clevo/Sager). I like it (mainly for the price/performance ration, and the screen is great), but it’s ot everybody’s cup of tea. Keyboard isn’t that great, and the thermal performance is subpar (just don’t use it on a rug, or on your lap).
Lenovo Thinkpads are always solid bets, and Dell has some good offerings as well. I wouldn’t trust HP’s, though, but that may just be me.
My go-to is always recommending ThinkPads, at this point. Very solid laptops. It steer away from most gaming laptops, because they generally tend to be bulky with subpar battery life, so they end up being a pain to carry around. I’ve seen it many times with CS majors.
D settled on an Asus zenbook with 12GB RAM and an Nvidia graphics card. It’s an i7 but has a smaller solid state drive. She compromised a bit on performance to get one that was lightweight with good battery life at an affordable price. We did a lot of research, and this was the best option for her. It runs autocad and matlab and she’s happy with it a year later.