Laptop vs desktop?

<p>Am curious if parents of upperclassman can share thoughts / wisdom on PC purchases? Do students really carry laptops with them everywhere? Anyone have a student that prefers a desktop? </p>

<p>I’m looking at some of the All-in-one desktops at Best Buy that have a built-in big screen and take up minimal space. They can double as a TV of sorts (to watch Netflix, Hulu etc.) and can also usually connect to an Xbox etc. Maybe pair it with a smaller, inexpensive laptop that’s easier to carry for notes etc.</p>

<p>Also, for those who prefer laptops, does anyone have mobile broadband (a data plan via AT&T, TMo, and Verizon etc.) or are the Wi-Fi networks fairly stable? </p>

<p>DD is registered in school of communications, and when we were at BB I totally forgot to ask about this. UA is an “official” Apple school, but there’s really no guidance beyond that.</p>

<p>Personal preference only, but it seems like the desk top you described would work well in conjunction with an I pad. Use the I pad with a keyboard sleeve, and it can do almost anything a laptop can do, and it is so much lighter and convenient.</p>

<p>Works great for my business.</p>

<p>Nicolle’s suggestion is very good.</p>

<p>My kids never took their laptops to class, but they liked having laptops so that they could work on their beds or in a beanbag chair or wherever. Both kids have 32 in flatscreens in their dorms for TV watching…which they really don’t do much of.</p>

<p>However, as Nicolle suggested, her way would work, too.</p>

<p>Last year, my older son had a laptop and a netbook. He liked the netbook because he could easily lounge on a sofa while doing work. In that case, his other computer could have easily been a desktop.</p>

<p>Another option…if you have a laptop, you can still attach it to a larger monitor/speakers to watch movies and such.</p>

<p>I know people who have all 3: a desktop, laptop, and tablet computer. I only have a laptop as I have fly to/from UA and having more than one computer would be a hassle. Unless you are a gamer, a laptop can do almost anything you want. A smartphone or tablet computer would also be nice to have. UA’s WiFi system is generally good, but doesn’t always work during high traffic times/areas.</p>

<p>I run with both a desktop and laptop and hopefully will shortly be investing in an android tablet. However, I’m a total geek and love technology. A good, high-quality laptop will do everything you need usually, if you treat it right. I second SEA_tide’s recommendation of a smart phone or tablet though. Smartphones are a lifeline I dearly wish I had, and tablets are much easier to carry around/take notes on/read etextbooks on. But I believe a good desktop is also valuable. Most importantly, bring a looooong ethernet cord for when Resnet wifi goes down and you need to be hardwired.</p>

<p>Mesquite - how long of an ethernet cord would you suggest?</p>

<p>I’d go with a minimum of 25 feet, just from personal experience. I had to run the cord halfway around my room to reach where I positioned my desk, so i used all of my 25’ one. Its just nice to have a longer one, just in case and so you can move around. And if its too long, you can always rubber band or twist tie up the extra amount of cable.</p>

<p>I have had good luck buying Ethernet cables off of ebay,
How someone can sell a 50’ wire for $3.75 with free shipping-
when it costs $20.00 at Radio Shack is beyond me.</p>

<p>Anyone in need of cables needs to check out Their site isn’t the greatest thing on earth, but they have amazingly low prices. (I don’t work for them, I just like them.)</p>