<p>What impact do large medical bills have on financial aid at private schools? We already received the financial aid award which only consisted of a loan, aside from a merit scholarship. We have since found out that we will need to pay a very large medical bill. Can we go back to financial aid at this point and ask them to reconsider or is it too late? Thank you.</p>
<p>Yes that is exactly what you should do, especially if this something they didn’t know about when they gave you the award.</p>
<p>Dittos to Pea.</p>
<p>Definitely contact them and ask.</p>
<p>I don’t know about how the private aid would work but we did have a FAFSA adjustment for medical expenses my daughters first year of college. The expenses were around $12-15k and resulted in a FAFSA EFC reduction of a little under 3,000 ish (as far as I can recall). Made my daughter eligible for additional Federal grants and a State grant. We had to provide supporting documentation for all the expenses (and we were told that as they were looking at doing an adjustment we should include *all *our medical expenses for that year - prescriptions, and all and they would wade through it and see what could be included in the adjustment). Once they approved an amount they went in and changed our income on FAFSA which then produced a lower EFC. As I said - not a $ for $ reduction but every little helps.</p>
<p>Of course it would have to reduce your EFC (FAFSA and/or institutional equivalent) by enough to make it low enough to qualify you for aid. But it is certainly worth asking.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the fast replies. This is a $60,000 medical bill, so I am hoping it will make a difference. Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>Holy cow - it certainly should. Not covered by health insurance?</p>
<p>No, it is the part left after the insurance paid their portion. The bill was actually about a $170,000. The facility is doing an appeal for more, but it doesn’t look the insurance will pay more. It is kind of complicated but it looks like our portion will end up being $60,000.</p>
<p>o u c h . system SUCKS</p>