Last Active?

On a person’s profile page it gives a last active day and time. I had received some PMs from a poster on November 28…but their “last active” date is November 26. Does a posters activity via PM not count as being active on the forum.

Perhaps there was a lag. Anytime a page refreshes for a logged in user that should update the “Last Active” time. So, it should have changed when they sent the PM at the very least.

It didn’t update. Oh well…not important, I guess. But a sort of glitch.

I know I have seen posts from users date-stamped AFTER their “Last Active” time.

Yes…that is what I’m seeing also. Last post or PM was dated after the last “last active” time.

PM was 11-28, last active was 11-26.

Oh well.

Gee, that time stamp sure has been glitchy lately :slight_smile: