<p>I was deferred at Penn ED....but now I'm looking at:
<p>Rank: 5/ 550 people
GPA: 4.7 (out of 4 due to weighting...unweighted is 3.94)
Class load: Hardest Possible at our school.
ACT: 30 (ugh yeah...=/)</p>
<p>ECs: (these were the main ones listed on my app to some extent either on actual app or highlighted specifically in my essays)</p>
<p>Editor-in-chief of School Paper - first junior to become one in a long time, I am absolutely certain that the newspaper advisor will write me a first class recommendation. I am also the first EIC to serve for two years in a row! </p>
<p>Newspaper recieved International Award (one of the best papers in North America) from Quill and Scroll Society while I was serving as EIC</p>
<p>Also recieved renown columbia silver crown award while serving as EIC </p>
<p>Founder and manager of newspaper website </p>
<p>Awarded Outstanding web-designer by IU </p>
<p>Write for other community papers as well, including our cultural one.</p>
<p>Many essay competition awards; won 1st place in state for a newspaper article I wrote. That same article won 4th place nationally at another competition </p>
<p>Wrote an inspirational children's book on meditation - this is available internationally on Amazon.com....it is also sold locally.</p>
<p>History Fair 3rd Place in State/Metro scholarship Winner/ National Qualifier (Alternate) </p>
<p>History Fair Executive Director's award for Superior History </p>
<p>Internship at congressman office summer before junior year </p>
<p>Attended Illini Girls State</p>
<p>Founder/President of an Indian community service council for students (we help out at various community festivals, represent the youth, currently planning a cultural show)
- Group featured in international newspaper, and front page of local. </p>
<p>Miss India Pageant winner; Miss Talent; National qualifer for miss usa this nov. 2009</p>
<p>volunteer service hours through hospital volunteering (the usual lol), tutoring, after school enrichment program helping for younger children, etc. etc. </p>
<p>Math Honor Society President</p>
<p>Founder and manager of MHS website (to submit service hours, updates on events, etc) </p>
<p>National Honor Society </p>
<p>French Honor Society </p>
<p>DECA state winner</p>
<p>I have several other ECs but I feel that these are my main ones and the ones that I am most proud to be involved in! However, as you can see my goal was to essentially divide my interests in three areas: writing/publishing, Politics/History, Indian Culture. Then of course, this is all accompanied by the usual honor societies and community service</p>