I am browsing the web when I really should be studying!
I got a big calculus 2 final this week and I am just really trying to absorb all the course material in time. What are you guys using to study? Any recommendations? I am using the 3 below. Just seeing if there are any better ideas out there?
maybe should’ve spend more time in my homework last few weeks, but it’s just such a great weather lately.
You probably should study your notes, old problem sets, and tests/quizzes. If your professor is making the final, chances are it will be similar to problems they have already given you.
thanks for your advice. my prof loves putting in trick variants of the homework examples - so I am looking online for similar example questions to see what / how he can get us. some times just understanding the concept doesn’t work. the trick questions get me every time!
Study your tests and quizzes! Rewrite the solutions again and see if you got it right.
17calculus.com (Great source for future calculus students)
Do more problems…more and more problems.