Last Minute EA/ED Insider Tips - Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ U. Chicago on Mon, Oct 23 from 8-9pm ET

Is more weight given to GPA and Rigor or Test scores?

When applying ED, there will be a whole suite of classes, probably several APs a student will be taking Sr year, but there won’t be grades available. How does UC look at Sr year class loads and performance if at all?

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@Ajmanischolar24 We use a holistic process of application review, so no one section of the application is inherently more important than any other. For students that choose to submit testing, it will be evaluated as part of your application using these guidelines. Every aspect of your application is meaningful and impactful.

Relatedly, our school does not issue official transcripts until the end of the school year, but first trimester grades are available on an unofficial transcript. Can we submit this?

@midwestkid2 We will look at what courses a student is currently enrolled in and we expect to see most students continuing with courses that follow the same overall trends of their earlier coursework. We will eventually receive final grades from high schools for all of our admitted students.

@dlaugh Yes, you are more than welcome to submit unofficial transcripts for your application.

Any good video ideas you have seen that have been super memorable?

Videos are often memorable because so many of them provide additional information that would never be included in the traditional application format! While some students will choose an unusual or fun format for their video, what’s most memorable are always the cool new things we get to learn about you.

Say there is a student who knows they are a great match for the University of Chicago with their intellect, curiosity, and passion for making real changes in the world, are excited about everything the campus has to offer (student organizations, academics, research, the super cool Mansueto library, etc.). This student knows that they are a UChicago student in every sense of the word. However, they are concerned that they may not “measure up” with other applicants— whether that be certain areas of their application, or simply their background.
What specific advice do you have for a student like this to make their candidacy stand out?
Thank you so much for your time!

Thank you all for your questions and interest in UChicago! And thanks again to @JustinAdmUChicago and @UChicagoAdmissions for answering your questions. Good luck to everyone who is applying EA/ED this year.

Please fill in the poll if you haven’t done so already.

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@Mintesinot_Sturm We evaluate all of our students in context which means we will take into account a variety of factors when we look at your application including the resources that were available at their high school and other similar factors that may have impacted your options. We look for so many different things in the application, and we love to see students present their most genuine self. Your passion, intellect, and curiosity will be positive attributes regardless of where you attend college.

@CC_Jon Thank you so much and thank you everyone for the questions!

Thank you! I appreciate your response!