Late registration?

<p>USCIS-United States Citizenship and Immigration Center.</p>

<p>They do everything casework related to immigrant/non immigrant visa. </p>

<p>Expedition request is possible, but quite rare to see it actually happening. </p>

<p>School is merely responsible to monitor my activities, visa status, etc. </p>

<p>@paul2752‌, I know it’s of little comfort, but the immigration process is S L O W for most folks–it’s nothing personal!</p>

<p>I’m assuming you haven’t been working at all with an immigration attorney. Is there someone else (a former teacher or high school counselor perhaps?) who could call UCSIS on your behalf, just to find out what exactly is going on? Maybe they’ll get lucky and speak with someone who will help expedite the process a little. </p>

<p>Also, have you checked your status on these sites? Are they giving you an estimated date of determination?
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Maybe something in this article will be helpful to you: <a href=“Why Is My Immigration Case Taking So Long? | AllLaw”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would be as proactive as possible at this point. Good luck.</p>

<p>nope, there is nothing to be done. even the attorney can’t do anything about it, other than filling in form before filing the forms. Also USCIS doen’st accept school’s request anymore(WHY)
I already called someone in the USCIS, and they were: Wait.</p>

<p>I already know the first websites, and fortunately(not) in 3rd website, I didn’t make mistakes described in the page</p>

<p>Or asking the State representative to help you might work, but the chance is pretty low…</p>

<p>@paul2752‌ </p>

<p>I think Senator Shelby has an office in The Ferg. If he does, and if he has a staff person there, go visit and see if that person can get Sen. Shelby to contact the right people to get your visa. </p>

<p>I know he does have another office in T-town…
1118 Greensboro Ave Ste 240, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(205) 759-5047</p>

<p>(maybe during the Ferg remodel, he moved his Tuscaloosa office.)</p>

<p>Also…Paul…send me a PM with your full name and contact number.</p>

<p>Thanks m2ck
By “the ferguson”, do you mean Ferguson Center?</p>

<p>m2ck is very correct about contacting one of your senators to see if the process can be expedited. Senators employ staff members who can call special numbers and get things expedited. Senator Shelby has done a lot for UA (his name is on a building) and wants top students and faculty to come to UA.</p>

<p>Thank you all, especially m2ck.
Though my mother was opposed to idea of contacting a republican senator(i didnt mind) she thought that contacting congressman was an amazing idea. Fortunately,
Today i contacted terri sewell in tuacaloosa andfortunately she decided to help me, and one of her workers told me that regional immigration officers(?thats how i remember) are coming to tuscaloosa on thursday. Hope things go well!</p>

<p>Also contact Sen Shelby’s office. He is an extremely powerful senator. Don’t be afraid that he is a Republican. lol</p>

<p>Is it okay to ask two different people at the same time???</p>

<p>btw what would happen if I go to class that I am not ‘enrolled in’?
my sis is like: whateva. Profs won’t even know you are there…
I think that may be true for normal class for freshmen but not sure about classes like CH 223, BSC 118, or calc 3…</p>

<p>You can certainly ask two people, especially since they have different positions. As mc2ck mentioned, Senator Shelby is an extremely powerful senator who tries to do the best for Alabama. Senators don’t ask ones political affiliation before helping, though they are usually required to get a signed statement authorizing them to intervene on ones behalf.</p>

<p>Nothing is preventing your from informing the instructor that you are intending to enroll in the class, but cannot do so until your visa is issued. They will understand. </p>

<p>In addition, I highly recommend going and thanking your instructors at the end of each semester. No gifts are necessary, but saying thank you for teaching the class is much appreciated. Much like thanking the bus driver as one exits the bus, it’s just something friendly and polite to do.</p>

<p>Thanks Sea Tide</p>