Late registration?

<p>what happens if a student registers classes late after 8/20? will it jeopardize the grade? </p>

<p>Do you mean registering at the last Bama Bound?</p>


<p>my visa for college study still hasn’t come out(stupid USCIS) and I couldn’t register because of that…what will happen if I get to register after 8/20(when classes start?</p>

<p>Everyone has until 8/27 to register for or add a class, so I don’t see why your grades would be in jeopardy.</p>


<p>I just thought that if I register the classes after the school starts on 8/20, and as a result, go to classes later than others do, I will have homework/assignments that I have to make up, and then I will have to work MUHC MUCH more to follow the class and do late homework.</p>

<p>If you have already created your desired schedule using the Schedule Builder (and made sure there are spaces open in the classes you want, and, fingers crossed, they will still be open when you finally get to register), then why not go ahead and attend the classes and pick up the syllabi so that you know what is coming as far as assignments? You could explain to the professors why you are there and they might appreciate your initiative. I sure hope you get to register soon.</p>

<p>I would definitely attend those classes, assuming they are not full already. Do not show up to a class that is full that you are not registered for.</p>

<p>Just to add that you might be able to look at the syllabus for each class (provided the professors submit them.) There is an option to look at those via the online registration Lookup classes option, though, so far, none of my son’s professors have added their syllabi to be viewed. But one can hope :)</p>

<p>You need to call or visit the office for international students and ask what can be done in these circumstances. </p>

<p>What is the hold up for your visa?</p>

<p>It just is taking more than it should…</p>

<p>Since you are on campus now, can you walk over to the Int’l Admissions office?</p>

<p>Call the below number first to see if this office is the one that you should visit. If it isn’t, ask them which office can help you.</p>

<p>105 B.B. Comer Hall (campus map, google maps)
Box 870254
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0254</p>

<p><a href=“”></a>
Office: 205-348-5402
Fax: 205-348-5406</p>

<p>Office Hours: 8 am – 4:45 pm, M – F.</p>

<p>@paul2752, I’m confused, I thought the same student visa (F-1) worked for both high school and college students. Can’t you use your current one to start classes? Based on my experience with USCIS, they provide no guarantees, just guidelines, with regard to how long the process takes:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Definitely get some counsel from UA’s International Admissions office!</p>

<p>No I am in F-2 right now…applied for SOC.</p>


<p>Did you go to the int’l office today? If so, what did they say?</p>

<p>Did you not get to do Bama Bound? or did you do it, but were not able to register?</p>

<p>If the visa doesn’t come thru by the First Day of class, you do need to attend class because you can’t miss important stuff nor homework assignments. </p>

<p>Sorry, I just don’t follow. I thought F-2 was for spouses or minor children of current F-1 students. Is your mom a student here on an F-1? What’s “SOC,” Social Security? Were you able to reach anybody in the International Office today?</p>

<p>Office was like: Sorry but nope, you can’t register. Not so helpful :-(</p>

<p>Not getting visa in time= go back to Oregon and wait for 5 months till Spring 2015(the heck…)</p>

<p>SOC=status of change.
Yes you are correct Luciethelake. I am my mom’s(f1) dependent. IDK if the age matters.
m2ck, people with F2 or J2 cannot attend college class whatsoever…if I get my visa between 20th and 27th I better
arrange with my professors…and I requested for holds on certain classes like BSC 118, math 247, CH 223 or 231</p>

<p>I’m sorry to hear that this is happening to you Paul. I hope that everything works out for you within the next 2 weeks. </p>


Paul - you mean “COS”: Change of Status.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>oops sorry. yeah i meant COS</p>

<p>So, where is the visa supposed to come from? The school? or someplace else? Who is processing it?</p>