Law Schools That Produced The Highest Percentage of Federal Judicial Law Clerks in 2020

Law schools which produced the highest percentage per class of federal judicial clerks:

  1. Chicago–27.6%
  2. Yale–25.5%
  3. Stanford–23%
  4. Virginia–17.5%
  5. Vanderbilt–16.7%
  6. WashUStL–13.9%
  7. Georgia–12.64%
  8. Texas–12.11%
  9. Alabama–11.8%
  10. UCal-Berkeley–10.6%
  11. Mississippi–9.82%
  12. William & Mary–9.34%
    15.U Penn–9.3%
  13. Michigan–9%
  14. Notre Dame–9%
  15. Arkansas-Fayetteville–8%
  16. UNC–8%

(This is not as I typed the list on my laptop.Not sure why lists appear jumbled under the new CC system. Numbers are also a problem under the new system.)

There are a number of hidden realities reflected in these numbers – for instance, students at NYU and Columbia (and Harvard to a certain extent) often prioritize clerking in SDNY and EDNY – which usually require several years law firm experience so students who go into clerkships 2-3 years after graduation are not reflected in these percentages.

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