<p>vb all the way
c++ is a lot harder
plus vb has been used to write some of the most powerful programs out today like office.</p>
<p>VB.Net is by far easier to learn.
But, C++ is more efficient.</p>
<p>^ true
c++ is older and was used when cpus had less memory
there are a lot of YouTube videos to help you learn both so you will be alright</p>
<p>Okay thanks guys, I just don’t want to feel overwhelmed
Here’s my current class schedule
AP Microeconomics
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C(Will change to either C++ or VB.NET)
AP Stats
AP Lit
Plus I’m alreadying sick with Senioritis!</p>
<p>Um, first of all, you have a pretty demanding schedule. Especially for a senior. Especially for a senior who already has senioritis! Don’t forget to have fun.
Depending on the field you plan to go into, you can probably drop down to a lower-level literature without any terrible consequences. </p>
<p>Then, you’ll have the four (still difficult, but manageable) AP classes, and the programming. </p>
<p>Once again, depending on your ideas for the future, its really your choice … C++ is harder, but has more applications and looks more impressive. </p>
<p>Is there a specific reason you’re taking both calc and stat?</p>
<p>Honestly, try to learn on your own from book or various sites before you dive into a Computer Programming class. Because I GUARANTEE you, if you are taking any programming class other than AP Comp Sci “and even then sometimes it is still easier” you can just self study and learn all the material in less than half a year or so to get a “basic concept”.</p>
<p>That being said, I suggest you learn [Python[/url</a>] as a first language. It is EASY to learn starting out and also it is still powerful enough that with just basic knowledge of the language you can make a powerful program. After you learn Python THEN you should learn C/C++, Java, Perl, etc…it will just make the experience much easier IMO. </p>
<p>If I HAVE to choose…I’d go for C++</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“How to start programming - guides and links for many languages”>How to start programming - guides and links for many languages]How</a> to start programming - guides and links for many languages - Ubuntu Forums](<a href=“How to start programming - guides and links for many languages”>How to start programming - guides and links for many languages)</p>
<p>Actually, I was thinking about taking AP Comp Sci, but it recommended previous programming experience. </p>
<p>Also, for my college apps, I said intended to major in CompSci, so I want to try my hand at programming before take any CompSci classes in college.</p>
<p>ap compsci is object oriented programming, c++ isn’t. honestly I would recommend learning java on your own and then taking c++ because if you know java which is a pretty easy language, ap compsci is kindof a waste of time</p>
<p>VB is useless, C++ is actually useful.</p>
<p>unclebadness: C++ is a OO language</p>
<p>ForeverAlone: It is really your choice. </p>
<p>As a high school student, if this is your first program language, it is more important to learn programming techniques, because programming techniques are applicable to multiple languages. That is why people sometimes say: "Language are all the same. "</p>
<p>As for VB.Net and C++. C++ is a lower languages than VB.Net. It is more closer to machine language. You need to take care of pointer, memory leak, etc.
VB.Net is a higher level languge, which means it is more ‘humanly readable’.</p>
<p>If you plan to spend lots of time on this course, and you are a quick learner, C++ will help you understand more about computer language. Otherwise, go for VB.Net.</p>
<p>I have trouble recommending C++ for an absolute beginner. It is a notoriously tough language to learn and usually requires an intermediate-advanced level of experience. Obviously you can attempt it if you want but don’t be surprised if you end up hopelessly lost. That being said, like others have pointed out, VB is pretty much useless and you may want to consider trying another beginning-level language that has more real-life application like Ruby or Python. There’s no need to choose between an advanced language and a useless language, there’s enough middle-ground to get the best of both worlds.</p>
<p>I forgot to mention that I could also learn QBasic here’s the syllabus and
[Out</a> Of State Online Middle and Online High School Courses by Florida Virtual School (FLVS)](<a href=“http://www.flvs.net/areas/flvscourses/Pages/Course%20Catalog/courselisting-outofstate.aspx?CourseID=43]Out”>http://www.flvs.net/areas/flvscourses/Pages/Course%20Catalog/courselisting-outofstate.aspx?CourseID=43)</p>
<p>Web Basics HTML (I already know some)
<a href=“Say Hello to Our New Enrollment System! | Michigan Virtual”>Say Hello to Our New Enrollment System! | Michigan Virtual;
<p>I can’t choose anything besides the ones mentioned. Remember, I doing this for an online class, so I actually have to choose something. I can’t just have an empty slot in my class schedule.</p>
<p>To blahblah9393 & Casebound:</p>
<p>ForeverAlone is talking about VB.Net, you guys are talking about VB</p>
<p>VB.Net and VB are totally different. VB.Net is OO language, and it is an equivalent language of C#</p>
<p>VB.Net is simple to learn and Object Oriented. If you know the basics of OOPs its very simple to study. [VB.NET</a> Tutorial , VB.NET Help , VB.NET Source Code](<a href=“http://vb.net-informations.com%5DVB.NET”>http://vb.net-informations.com) vb.net tutorial for beginners.</p>