Leaving the Business School and switching major to computer science?

I was accepted into the BBA program as a direct admit, so I declared a major in the business school. Currently my major is declared as management with an emphasis on entrepreneurship (I want to be an entrepreneur). However, after taking the Gen Bus 110 class that all direct admits are required to take, learning more about the business school, and even just talking to other direct admit students, I really don’t feel like I “fit in”. This BBA program seems likes it’s just aimed at getting everyone a job at a company, which isn’t what I want.

Anyway, I am interested in computer science, so I was thinking about maybe switching my major from business administration (or whatever it’s currently declared as) to computer science. This would mean leaving the direct admit BBA program though, and I don’t think I would be able to go back if I did this.

Would it be a mistake to leave the BBA program? I don’t want to give up the opportunity since I’m already in the business school but I also don’t know if it is the right program/major for me.

Can you talk to a business school advisor about your concerns?

Can you double major (business and CS)?

I second Madison85, talk to an advisor. Since Com Sci is in Letters & Science you can double major in MHR (or Information Systems) and Com Sci. You are correct that if you leave the WSB there is no getting back in. You’ve only taken one business course so far, and the other direct admit students in that course are a small sampling of the students in the BBA. For spring semester sign up for your remaining progression requirements and Com Sci 301, that could help you decide and Com Sci 301 is the first class that information systems majors take, so it would count toward a BBA if you decide to stay.

Talk to an advisor. Please also note that you can major in CS and get a certificate in entrepreneurship. You can also perhaps double major. There are lots of options. Both majors in the business school as well as computer science are great launch points for a career, entrepreneurially or not. If your goal is to start a tech company, maybe you go the route of CS with a certificate in entrepreneurship. If you want to start some sort of investment banking business, maybe you stay in the business school and get a minor in CS. There are a plethora of options and in the end, it comes down to what interests you the most!

UW does not have minors, all majors are comprehensive. However, there are certificates in some majors (including computer science) available to those who take certain courses but not enough for a major that goes on record to show some competence.

This is definitely a discussion to have with your advisor. Do your research on the CS and business majors plus any available certificates. Then talk with the advisor about your likes/dislikes et al. Business may/may not be a good fit for you. Kudos for examining things instead of just going with HS plans.