Lee hall?

<p>Anyone have any advice on living there? Anything i should know that could help me.</p>

<p>One question in particular, I know it's not carpeted, but is it better to buy one or does it really not matter?</p>

<p>I’m in Lee Hall as well. Was wondering if it’s easier to use the BT to go to class or just walk to them. Also, is the sink water in Lee (or any hall) drinkable, or should we bring a Brita filter?</p>

<p>You’re better off walking. I know very few people that actually took the bus from a dorm to a class.</p>

<p>The water was fine enough for me, but a lot of people do bring a filter. Some people put the pitcher in the fridge to keep it cold, which is great but I always thought took up valuable fridge space.</p>