Legit or Contemporary

<p>I've studied classical bel canto voice for 2 years now, and I've worked with a vocal coach for a couple of months on repertoire. However, I recently began taking lessons with a more contemporary voice teacher who just hates my voice because he says that it is too "old" musical theater and boring. He says that I won't get into these colleges if I sing legit, that they only want the contemporary style now.</p>

<p>What do you guys think from your own experiences? Do you think that they ONLY want contemporary singers? Don't they want diversity?</p>

<p>Well, it’s good that you’re able to do both.
Do whatever best suits your voice. You really should be able to do both. You can’t be a one hit wonder. I mean MT nowadays is very contemporary but people still do legit stuff. I am in a MT program right now where there are legit singers and people swoon over them. No ****. So it’s good to have!</p>

<p>clay, I daresay that the auditors at most BFA programs do not expect the 17 and 18 year olds that they see in auditions to be perfect at everything, and that includes every style of musical theater singing! </p>

<p>It’s ridiculous to say that you won’t get into any programs because you have an old style musical theater voice. Many programs HIGHLY value that kind of voice. </p>

<p>While adhering to each school’s requirements for auditions, show the auditors what YOU do best.</p>

<p>I am not going to tell you to “relax” because I know you can’t. :slight_smile: The whole audition process can be very nerve racking for students, I realize.</p>

<p>But do go in with confidence that you have done your homework and are ready to show programs your best self. </p>

<p>Best of luck! I think you are going to do fine. :)</p>

<p>I’m going through all of this right now. I studied classically for my whole life. I was in an opera conservatory for 2 years in college and now I’m transferring. I was very worried about sounding too opera on my uptempo more belty piece. But all I can hope is that they hear the training I have. It says on my resume that I’ve only been studying musical theater style for 6 months. I’m not a ready made perfect singer yet, thats what college is for. Thats the mentality that I’m taking for all of this. I am the best me that I can be with the current training that I have.</p>

<p>And also, should you be with someone who “hates your voice”… Just food for thought.</p>

<p>Thanks for all your responses!</p>