Lehigh vs Rochester, Denison vs LMU vs Seton Hall vs Miami for pre-med

Lehigh vs. University of Rochester vs. Denison vs Loyola Maryland University vs. Seton Hall vs UMiami for Pre-med

You can fulfill the required courses to be a medical school applicant at ALL of these colleges. So…I would make a few suggestion.

  1. Put the whole pre-med thing out of your college undergrad decision making process…or at least don’t make it THE thing. Look at the colleges more holistically than that. The vast majority of those saying they have a premed intention never actually apply to medical school. So make sure the college has other things you also like. And also…all premeds need a plan B…so make sure whatever college you choose gives ample options for Plan B.

  2. Look at cost. If you do end up in medical school, it likely will cost $100,000 a year. Med school is largely funded through loans, loans and more loans…and the bank of mom and dad. So…keep your undergrad debt to a minimum….as well as costs.

  3. Start looking at the things other than academics…climate, geographic location, weather, ease of travel home, campus in general, activities. The schools you have listed are all over the place with regard to these so try to narrow down your preferences.

At this point, you also could start looking for reasons to eliminate schools.

  1. If you want to, you can check the prehealth advising at each of these schools.

  2. Where do you think you will be happy…because happy kids do better in college than unhappy ones.

  3. Look at affordability without parent loans.


Chances are, you’re going to end up majoring in something else once you get the chance to explore your passions. The best thing is to take “premed” out of the equation and choose an affordable college that works for you.

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