Length of Supplement

<p>How long were your leader essays?</p>

<p>Four pages!</p>

<p>FOUR PAGES?!?!?</p>

<p>mine is about 500 words and i feel like its too long</p>

<p>Mine was 2 pages,single space.</p>

<p>oh my god “supplement essay” to me means shorter than the personal statement</p>

<p>now i feel like i need to write more</p>

<p>Thanks now I’m not too worried about writing too much or too little. I think its better to write what you have to say and don’t worry about the length.</p>

<p>yeahyeahyeah people always say that but seriously, we all worry about length to a certain degree.</p>

<p>are you all applying for scholarship consideration?</p>

<p>Well, I talked with the admissions person who visited my school and she said length is not the issue, strength of analysis is. I did feel it was kind of long but it reads pretty quickly (and it is double spaced!). I wouldn’t send 10 pages but I think anywhere from 1 to 5 is probably OK if it is good quality.</p>

<p>did you guys connect the leader to yourself?
I think my essay is kind of just a bunch of facts about the person… hm.</p>

<p>i never mentioned myself, and yeah i dont know if i should. it doesnt seem necessary considering the prompt asks for how that person has shaped culture and thought</p>

<p>haha thanks. I’m nervous about my analytical essay! & my why cmc one… </p>

<p>& on the supplement how they ask for details on the tour…
what did you guys put for it?</p>

<p>i didnt tour CMC so i dont really know! ive been to pomona but at the time wasnt really interest in CMC</p>

<p>and for the why cmc… they didnt give too much room. i basically related this one experience i had to why i felt like cmc was a good place for me. im kind of nercous for my analytical one too haha i dont know if mine will compare to everyone elses’. and since im submitting my app today im not going to bother changing it any more</p>

<p>ooh! good luck! i’m submitting mine today too… EEEEEEP. :(</p>

<p>good luck to you too!!! hopefully we’ll both be accepted :)</p>

<p>hahaha yeah! hey do you have aim?!</p>

<p>yeah - huliaj</p>

<p>or gmail chat… which is also huliaj</p>

<p>im not on right now because i have a lot of stuff to get done but i will probs be on laterrrr! but definitely chat with me whenever you have the time!</p>

<p>for sure :)</p>

<p>gahhh the cmc scholars deadline is tomorrow and I just now started my supplement essay DD:</p>

<p>Don’t worry, I did mine over the course of two days. Don’t know how good it is tho.</p>

<p>it should be fine :slight_smile:
for those of you that visited the campus, how did you put the details of the tour?</p>