Lets make college acceptance FAIR

<p>Whether it be an ACT, a SAT or SAT II, S ran into questions that she had come across in her studies. I sounds to me like the “bug” that the students used in your school used is called studying. There are many prep guides out there that are available to anyone - either through a purchase, or free from your library.</p>

<p>Identical twins getting nearly identical SAT scores. Go figure.</p>

<p>Don’t you think that a high school where lots of kids got exceptionally high scores on the ACT would have received lots of kudos and attention in the local press? So I am rather skeptical about this.</p>

<p>If you want this investigated, call the consumer affairs reporter for your local news stations (“7 on Your Side” etc).</p>

<p>It was on an international test center, so not that many people got the test (only 10 lets say). And I mean they got the exact same questoins and they knew they were going to get the exact same questions and they were told that that is the way it works. Only they know that they got the same Questions, for all colleges they just got the score</p>

<p>IF anyone is worried that a mediocre school is just giving his students the chance to get perfect scores on the ACT wihtout desrving it and sending those student to ivy leagues, please tell me where to send the evidence. On the end, they only take away five college positions from other people every year, but maybe it happens in a whole bunch of other international schools.</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m still confused about what happened and hope you will clarify. It sounds as if you’re saying that someone gave students at your school a copy of the ACT in advance and told them that the questions on this sample ACT would also appear on the real ACT they would be taking at the international test center. Is this what happened? If so, I’m wondering who gave the students a copy of the test in advance? Who told the students that this was an advance copy of the real test? Did someone pay to get an advance copy of the ACT?</p>

<p>I realize that in some places, there are different attitudes toward cheating and I’m not ready to dismiss what the OP is telling us without finding out more. OP – I think you would increase your credibility and the chance that people, such as US newspapers, would listen to you if you were much more specific. Saying that there was “a bug” is kind of vague. </p>

<p>If you could say exactly what happened, I think you would have much more chance of being taken seriously. For example, it’s not clear to me if this is what you’re telling us happened, but something on the order of: “On approximately this date, this person gave students at this school a copy of an ACT test and told us to study it because it was the same test we would be taking on the official test date at such and such a test center in this city in this country. This is a photocopy of the test we were shown. It is the same as the test that was administered at the official test center on such and such date.”</p>

<p>to newhope33</p>

<p>Idential twins iq correlation is about .85</p>

<p>Making twins take the test on the same day at the same time seems it would be illegal/some type of discrimination to me.</p>

<p>On my High School that was also an international test center where the protactor was the High School counselor and all the students taking the test were from my high school people took the ACT on the beginning of the school year. There they told them that if they did poorly they could retake the test. That is normal, but they were also told that to save money the ACT was going to reuse the same test. This went on for at least a year where the same students retook teh same test over and over again until all of them got perfect or almost perfect scores.</p>

<p>OK, this is a problem. I find it hard to believe that the folks at the ACT office wouldn’t be quite concerned about this. My first question, though, is what will happen to you if you expose this wrongdoing while you are still attending the school? Will you be able to continue to attend? Will retaliation be a problem? Will your ability to finish your education be jeopardized?</p>

<p>If you decide to go ahead, I think you need to write a very clear letter with times and dates and locations, in excellent English. I’m not clear if you write very informally and not completely correctly because you’re casual on the internet, or if you’re not a native English speaker. In either case, you would be well served to have a trusted adult who speaks and writes perfect English go over your letter to make sure it is completely understandable. Your first step, then, would be to send the letter to the ACT’s US headquarters. If you can send the letter registered, so that someone has to sign for it and you’re certain it arrived, that would be good. </p>

<p>I’m curious – you don’t have to answer, of course – but in what country did this happen?</p>


<p>The situation that you described is a clear violation of ACT policy.</p>

<p>You need to write a good letter with the details as suggested by Nester, and send it to the US headquarters of ACT. You need to include the name of the school, the name and title of the proctor, and the dates of the exams.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<li>Write it up in a professional format.</li>
<li>Send it to the prominent news media in your area.</li>
<li>Fix the problem, and get a great hook for HYPSM</li>
<li>Everyone wins.</li>

<p>^^^ except for the people that get screwed over (ten ACT test takers)</p>

<p>I emailed the ACT as soon as I learnt about this. I have all the emails I sent them. It took more than a year for them to even start an investigation, I had to sent the names of the people who had raised their scores significanlty before they reacted, and they have still refused to do anything else. That is why I am asking where I send the evidence.</p>

<p>Wow! Now I understand what you’re saying. Maybe ACT didn’t quite understand what you were saying. Find someone that can write another letter to ACT and then send copies to other international schools in your area. If they understand the situation, they will care.</p>

<p>But wait…how can this be true? Isn’t the ACT scored centrally?</p>

<p>No, the ACT uses different tests on different places, but what happened in my High School was that they used a different test for international test center, so someone, on the ACT or on my High School just decided to reuse the same test over and over again. The ACT knows, if you don’t believe me ask me to post part of the emails that I sent and that they answered back saying that they weren’t going to do anything (They last more than a year)</p>

<p>OK, does anyone knows about another blog where I can ask for help or anyother way of helping me have the ACT stop allowing people from my high school to cheat</p>

<p>This simply makes no sense. Like the other poster said, ACT grades the test centrally using a machine. I cannot believe that ACT will program the machine to keep grading old tests as if they are current test of the day. Everything is carefully recorded, what is special with your school such that ACT would allow this? What incentive does ACT have to make such special arrangement with your school?</p>

<p>And if ACT is doing this itself, how can one say that the students taking these tests are cheating? This whole thing doesn’t really make sense.</p>