<p>The beauty of google is its simplicity. I use yahoo for this group email thing, yeah, but in general the site is just WAY too busy, and trying to click your way to what you're searching for is tedious and fruitless. Yeah, I'm a huge Google fan. Though I do like to use ask.com from time to time when I'm not sure how to word my search. I also like their new little binoculars feature, though it's not available for all search results.</p>
<p>I've been using yahoo for searching for as long as I can remember. Yahoo has this feature that gives you the category to which the result belongs. If you, for example, search for "Honda," some results will include the category "automobiles" on the side. Not that useful if you're searching for a Honda, but useful for some school-related stuff.
The Google website looks kind of barren and ugly, to me at least.</p>