<p>I'm going to be applying for the Questbridge College Match program this fall. This means that I have to have a ranked list of schools I'm willing to commit to attend (assuming I get accepted) by the end of September. Obviously the best thing to do would be to research each school individually, and I'll try to do that. But I don't have a lot of time, and I feel like I don't know where to start.</p>
<p>I know that I want a school with good academics and an intellectual student body. UChicago is currently my top school, and I love the feel of it. However, I love the feel of LACs like Vassar and Oberlin as well. I also like that Vassar offers a film production major, since I'm interested in film. I'll probably major in Psychology or something similar, but I'm somewhat interested in double majoring (in film if possible, or maybe philosophy or something).</p>
<p>So, if you have any opinions on any of these schools, good places to start, good ways to think about it, or interesting comparisons, I'm all ears. Honestly, there are a couple colleges here I've never even heard of.</p>
<p>Here's this year's list:</p>
<p>-Amherst College
-Bowdoin College
-Chicago, University of
-Claremont McKenna College
-Columbia University
-Emory University
-Notre Dame, University of
-Oberlin College
-Pomona College
-Princeton University
-Rice University
-Scripps College
-Stanford University
-Swarthmore College
-Trinity College
-Vassar College
-Wellesley College
-Wheaton College
-Williams College
-Yale University</p>
<p>I am applying for this program to. My first choice is Princeton.
I know most of the schools on the list are pretty much ranked. Theres more information on the questbridge website about each school!</p>
<p>Just go through them based on preferences, just as you would when doing regular college searching, except this set is much more limited. Once you've narrowed down your list, then explore the schools that are left.</p>
<p>First, I'm very excited that Chicago is your first choice. This is Chicago's first year doing Questbridge, and I'm hoping to meet some Questbridge kids the year after next.</p>
<p>Given your attraction to an intellectual LAC, I would suggest Swarthmore or Oberlin as runners-up to Chicago. Both schools send a higher percentage of students on to PhD programs than Chicago. Swatties and Obies are slightly different from Chicagoans (S and O are very left-leaning politically and are more crunchy-granola, Chicago is more politically centric and is "coffee-shop").</p>
<p>It might be me, but I think that Vassar is much more mainstream than most people realize (I mean, sure if you put it next to a school like Duke or Cornell it's weird and hippie-ish) but the school is not effervescing with quirkiness the way other schools are.</p>
<p>All of the schools on the list are excellent, but a few of my other favorites on this list include Pomona, Williams, Rice, and Yale.</p>
<p>I took part in the program last year. Let me just say this much. It's a worthwhile program, even if it is a tad bit messed up. (One girl received a scholarship that was very wealthy and still another received a scholarship even though she was also wealthy and not a U.S. citizen.) </p>
<p>That said, there's some gamesmanship to the whole process. Going for the top schools is not necessarily a smart choice. I would pick your schools based upon what you plan to study. You are more likely to get a match and to write a good essay for a school where not everyone is applying and that caters to your interests. </p>
<p>I was admitted to CMC, though not on a Questbridge scholarship. (I was a finalist.)</p>
<p>well that's certainly true ctrstjournalist. lots of kids from my school apply and frankly we live in a pretty wealthy neighborhood where most kids drive mercedes to school. :\ BUT you do NOT have to be a us citizen to get the scholarship. That's not a requirement. I am not a citizen and am applying to Qbridge. </p>
<p>madville, I am doing lots of outside schools as well. Kinda of depends on if I am a finalist or not. Because a lot of partner schools will only let you apply via Qbridge IF you are a finalist. But either way, I am still apply for some others.</p>
<p>also if I am interested in Princeton, Yale, Stanford, and Columbia, is it generally worth it to include UChicago as well? I have very mixed feelings about UChicago. I think it's a great school, but some things are just not quite right. For a full ride though, I might be persuaded otherwise ;) </p>
<p>How's Uchicago compared academically AND socially to the others I listed?</p>
<p>Is it possible to chose like only two schools for your match, and if not accepted, apply to others regular decision (even some which are affilliated with Questbridge)? </p>
<p>Also, isn't Questbridge working mainly with ED, but I thought Princeton stopped ED?</p>
Is it possible to chose like only two schools for your match, and if not accepted, apply to others regular decision (even some which are affilliated with Questbridge)?
Also, isn't Questbridge working mainly with ED, but I thought Princeton stopped ED?
<p>My D is filling out her Questbridge application, and there is no place to put her IB scores, any suggestions from those of you also applying? Thanks!</p>
<p>Google2008, I thought intl students only could apply Yale or Princeton right? but you sounds confidence that you could apply any college in the list.</p>
BUT you do NOT have to be a us citizen to get the scholarship. That's not a requirement. I am not a citizen and am applying to Qbridge.
<p>You do have to be a US citizen to get the scholarship, unless you're applying to Princeton and Yale, which allow internationals. Anyone can apply to QB, whether he/she is a citizen or not. Internationals, however, are not entitled to the College Match scholarship (with the above exceptions). And if you don't aren't eligible for the College Match scholarship, then the QuestBridge program is more or less pointless.</p>
Students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents (international students) may apply. However, only Princeton University and Yale University will offer College Match scholarships to international students. Most of our partner colleges use federal and state funds to finance a portion of the scholarships and these funds are only available for U.S. citizens and permanent residents.</p>
<p>Although non-U.S. citizens are generally not eligible for the College Match scholarship packages, most of partner colleges are open to accepting students regardless of U.S. citizenship status through the Regular Admissions Process. In 2006, more than a dozen QuestBridge applicants who were non-U.S. citizens gained acceptance and financial aid to our partner colleges.