Let's try something new for long threads

Like @abasket, maybe I’m just not smart enough. I don’t get why putting a monthly break/brake on the thread would have an effect on “rat-a-tat-tat” conversation.

I mean, okay, whatever. It still sounds like a weird scolding kind of process going on here, for an unclear result.

Couldn’t you just identify threads that are to be more lightly moderated with an icon? CC labels sticky threads, why not have a way to identify mega threads that tend to be more work for the mods?

I personally love mega threads and will often gravitate towards them on the assumption that if there’s lots of participation I will learn something.

Great idea. And what does “lightly moderated” mean? It sounds like there would be a lot left up to the discretion of the moderator. And would a mod read the thread at all, or still depend on others to report what they see to be as violations? As posters saw the political comments not get removed, they got brasher and brasher in the original covid-19 thread. You don’t think that will happen again?

Question: is there a financial reason to break-up long threads into smaller threads?

Otherwise, I don’t really see a problem with long, mega threads as people can jump into the thread at any point in the history of that thread. We do it for other threads that are years old such as “The Parents Class of 2020”. And if the long thread starts to veer into a new topic, you can create a new thread, but still keep the old mega thread active.

I was just going to suggest what @mamaedefamilia said, instead of moving it to be the gently moderated thread of the month, perhaps a big ole warning label, essentially, post here at your own risk, don’t be a snowflake and get offended, ignore the jerks (of each extreme) because you don’t know on the 1st which thread will be hot and heavy for that month.
Heck, about March 15-April 15 nearly the only posting was the series of C19 threads, everything else would have an unread in the single digits, people were intensely on those as the crisis unfolded. People are already calmer, well many are. But once the limitations are relaxed we are going to have lots of social distance shaming and snarking about what I am doing and you are not (I’m staying home, you should, too; I’m carefully going out, you should, too; I’m out and about everywhere, what’s wrong with you)
But in six months the hot button thread could be something else, I wonder, for long term if it might not be better to have something like a warning emoji on each side of the title of the hot thread? There used to be that little on fire emoji, maybe something similar as a warning that, 'hey, this one is hot & heavy and we are NOT going to waste our time spanking each poster you the complainer disagree with" If we all use the ignore function more than we don’t feed the beast of whomever wants to post inflammatorily. And some people are either entirely obtuse to how their posts are being interpreted (meant that way or not) or are deliberately T****ing the other posters?

Yes. I’ve been wondering whether the mods chose to leave, and if so, why. (I, too, am particularly despondent over the sudden, unexplained departure of @skieurope. I understand from a post by @MaineLonghorn that the remaining mods don’t know what happened and have tried to contact him. I just hope that if anyone has an update, they’ll let us know. )


My intention was to try an experiment in May and see what happens. This isn’t the time to institutionalize the “lightly moderated” concept because I have no idea if it will work.

So, basically no difference from what the long original covid thread was like.

I wonder if you have more people flagging posts and upset about them than the people who have expressed upset at the idea of changing things as a result of wanting to moderate those things that are flagged.