Letter of Rec and Personal Statement for VT engineering?

Hi I’m planning to apply to Virginia Tech’s school of engineering (and other engineering colleges) and was wondering how necessary it is to send a letter of recommendation and write a personal statement since they are both optional. I know in general it never hurts to send letter of rec and personal statements but I didn’t know if that applies to engineering schools? Please let me know if I should send both papers, thanks.

Hey, I’m applying to VT Engineering ED so I’m sending both one letter of rec, and completing one personal statement. From what I’ve heard it would be better to send one of both. Good luck!

@ilovevt ok thanks! do you know how long the personal statement is?

@collegechick2000 I’m pretty sure that there are 5 personal statements you can choose from, and I’m sure that it has to be 250 or less.

Check this website out: http://www.fcps.edu/madisonhs/services/documents/personal%20statements%20VA.pdf

@ilovevt thanks for that link - it’s super helpful