Letter of Rec resume?

<p>Ok, so I'm a bit confused. I'm applying to a program for the next school year (not college) and asked a teacher who knows me very well in the field if he would feel comfortable/have the time to write me a letter of recommendation and he said he'd be glad to after break (deadline is quite a way off). He knows me very well in class (I practically run his class) but I'm not sure how the whole thing goes from here.</p>

<p>Do I give him a resume when we return from break? It's a political opportunity and he teachers an economics class where we discuss quite a bit (especially with the recession!!!). Doesn't it seem a bit arrogant to give him a resume, I mean after all if he doesn't know enough about me he shouldn't be writing it, right?</p>

<p>I'm just a little confused.</p>
