letter of recommendation

<p>should I send a lor.Will it help me or if I dont send it will it affect me.
I'm trying to get into pamplin college of business
My sat scores are 1810(680m,520cr,610w)
I am doing all 3 personal statements</p>

<p>I attended an admission session at Open House last month. VT will read the letter but they will not be moved. It was stated that all lor’s state the applicant is a good candidate so they do not require them. Your personal statements will have a greater impact according the presentation at Open House. Not sending a lor will not impact you. </p>

<p>thank you @justice66‌ </p>

VT doesn’t give much weight to letters at all. It’s a data driven school and does not take the common app. Your GPA and SAT scores are really what determine your acceptance the most. Here is the profile for the class of 2018 if that is at all helpful to you: http://www.admiss.vt.edu/form-pdf/snapshot.pdf

VT also does acceptances based on what major you apply for. Engineering and architecture are typically the most competitive where as the majors in the College of Natural Resources and Environment are the least.

@charlesmyboy thanks and I saw the pamlin college of busniess freshman snapshot.the average sat was 1760 soI think I have a good chance

I was admitted with a 3.0 and I am almost certain that my recommendations that I sent were the reason they still admitted me

@kalestew good to know.IM going to ask my tennis coach who has known me gor 7 year to write the lor

I think they would prefer a teacher who has known you as a student and be able to explain a situation when grades were not the best.