Letters of recommendation

<p>I currently work as a research assistant at a university that I intend to apply to for graduate school (biomedical sciences) this year. My current PI is also a professor within the graduate program I plan to apply to and has already assured me that I will receive a great letter of recommendation from her.</p>

<p>Are letters of recommendation from faculty within a graduate program more highly regarded than those from faculty at other institutions? My PI is an assistant professor, but she is also on the admissions committee for the program that I am apply to. </p>

<p>I am hoping that this will give me a slight edge in graduate school admissions because one of the main reasons I took the research position at this particular university was so that I might have this edge.</p>

<p>The letter itself won’t matter because you’ll have a person on the admissions committee arguing your case. That doesn’t mean an automatic acceptance, of course, since you will be compared to other applicants, but it does mean that your application will be seriously considered.</p>