<p>I want to take this class with a teacher I had before and liked. However, since I did very well last time with her help I'm afraid that I will let my teacher down because this is suppose to be a harder class than the last one I took. I'm worried that even though I'd try my very best and even with the teacher's I might not get a good grade. So, should I take a class with this teacher I know or take another section with a new instructor that I don't know at all, but they will have no expectations of me.</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>Bit of advice: your professor has probably had hundreds of students before you and will have hundreds after you. They’re probably not gonna feel “let down” if you don’t do well. And if you have built a bit of rapport with him/her then I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to help if you find yourself struggling with the material.</p>
<p>I kinda had the same apprehension when signing up for my current econ course but I ended up taking it and I’m glad I did.</p>
<p>Yep, ThisMortalSoil pretty much summed it up. Unless you know the professor personally, just take the class. Teachers have many many students. They won’t remember you unless they worked with you a lot and if they do remember you, you won’t let them down. You did good in one class and did bad in another. What does that tell the teacher? It tells them that you are good at one thing and not good at the other and you need some help. They won’t feel let down.</p>