Lewis and Clark vs Puget Sound

<p>Like I've heard others say, I am having trouble deciding between my two top choices: Lewis and Clark College & University of Puget Sound.
Both arevery similar, but please, help!</p>

<p>The culture is a bit more “hippy” at L and C and a bit more “preppy” at UPS… unscientific, I know, but if you lean more toward one category than the other, that might help.</p>

<p>how does portland compare to seattle/tacoma?</p>

<p>It’s been a while since I was in Seattle but Portland is very (more?) traversable. DD2 goes to L&C. They have a bus that goes downtown every day (free). Public transportation in the center of town has been free up till now (it’s supposed to change in Jan due to costs). DD walks the downtown regularly. And you can’t miss Powell’s Books!</p>

<p>^Agreed. Portland has better public transit than the area around UPS…</p>

<p>And dont forget Voodoo Donuts!</p>

<p>Agree, Portland is terrific, but . . . Tacoma is a pretty cool little city. There are a few neighborhoods where there is a lot going on, and the area around campus is a nice residential area with some businesses not too far away, within walking distance. Seattle is a 45 minute bus ride away. L&C is a bus ride (6 miles–20 minutes) from downtown Portland, and there is not a lot around the immediate area of the campus. I actually think that while the two schools are similar in size, academic programs, etc., they are not all that similar in terms of their campus culture. I would say L&C a lot more alternative, really an environment where either you would be comfortable or not. Puget Sound more diverse, I think more types of people could be comfortable there. Visiting very important.</p>