Liberal Arts Colleges for International Students

<p>Does anyone have the up-to-date guidebook published by the CollegeBoard that has the information on what liberal arts colleges give the most amount of money to international students and have the highest number of internationals. I only know the basics...and the names like Macalester College, Ohio Wesleyan University, Mount Holyoke but I am curious in checking out the specific numbers from the publication.</p>

<p>Mt.Holyoke is the most generous</p>

<p> should read the message again. :) i was interested in numbers...the names i know.</p>

<p>Colby College (ME) awards about 110 international scholarships each year.</p>

<p>Schools with Awards to More than 150 Students </p>

<p>Arizona State University (AZ)
Barry University (FL)
Clark Univ. (MA)
Eastern Michigan Univ. (MI)
Grinnell College (IA)
Harding Univ. (AR)
Harvard (MA)
Illinois Inst. of Tech. (IL)
Liberty Univ. (VA)
Louisiana State Univ. (LA)
Macalester College (MN)
Marquette Univ. (WI)
Mount Holyoke College (MA)
Ohio Wesleyan Univ. (OH)
Princeton (NJ)
Univ. of Bridgeport (CT)
Univ. of Houston (TX)
Univ. of Pennsylvania (PA)
Univ. of South Florida (FL)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Mt.Holyoke only admits female students</p>