Liberal arts course recommendation for engineering students

I am a Freshman seeking for a course that can satisfy the liberal arts requirement
I am not planning to pursue a double major or a minor (certificate) and thus seeking for a course that is reletively “easy” rather than a useful one
Can you provide any recommendation?

Thank you

Easy/hard depends on your interest, abilities and background knowledge. You can use this breadth requirement to take a class in something totally off the wall just for the fun of it. You can take a music course such as Symphony to understand more about music- and concerts you may attend decades from now. Likewise an Art History course will enrich you and make you more knowledgeable about that. Remember you are person with many facets beyond your major. College is the time to indulge in things no one else in your major does. Be prepared to work harder than you thought in any course, especially since you will be required to use different “mental muscles” than in your STEM classes. There are reasons UW requires you to go beyond your major.

There are many different History classes. Many Literature classes- even Science Fiction and Fantasy, an excuse to read that genre. Philosophy. History of Science (I was a Chemistry major eons ago)- not sure if that qualifies. Go through the catalog and check out various L&S fields.

Developing a better command of the English language before attempting to enter a US college would be a great goal.

post # 2- huh?? think you posted on the wrong one. OP misspelled relatively and omitted some punctuation marks but command of English is there. Assumed already at UW as well. Time of post way too early for a Saturday morning also.

There’s so many things you could take for liberal arts and I can’t recommend a class unless you pick something. You could take a language class, history, art, music, psychology, literature, and a bunch more subjects. If it’s interesting and easy you’ll enjoy it a lot more than if it’s just easy.

One option is to look around and find something that sounds interesting then search for that class on google, search the professor on ratemyprofessors, and see if anything comes up. There’s a good chance nothing will come up or there will be lots of conflicting opinions, but you might be able to tell if it is very easy or very hard.
You can look through here to see classes that have high GPA too.
Note that GPA can vary a lot by professor, so try looking at more than one semester or section. But if the average GPA is very low it might hurt your GPA.

Language classes are interesting but intro ones can be a lot of work.